Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania?


quiet , laid back school


I brag about the education program and ROTC.


I brag about the fun I have here. I'm a dance major and I love being involved in all of the dance things on campus. It helps making friends because we have a lot of classes together. And, and the concerts and rehearsals helps to get to the upper class. It makes us all closer.


The openness on the quad lawn during the fall when you can just spend time outside and study with friends.


I brag about the fact that I have a great off-campus apartment but that's it, nothing else at all.


My major, Safety and Environmental Management, it is a great program here at Slippery Rock. A lot of students who recently graduated have very well paying jobs and I personally know some of them.


At Slippery Rock University, it is well known that Education Majors do well and accell in the real world. Being an education major I brag about recieving the best education avaliable and hoping to do my best in the major. We also brag about our football team in respect to the PSAC division. Our gym equipment is all newer also and is open at convinent hours, allowing students to access the gym whenever.


The overall environment, classes, social life, activities, athletic teams. In a way I like to brag about everything, because this campus is just awesome.


House parties.