Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania?


The school that I attend is really for everyone. Anyone can find a place to fit in here at Slippery Rock. It is really a melting pot of people no matter what age. I come from a small town and i can say that I have met new and interesting people that I had not ever thought I would meet. If you are a person willing to learn but also willing to have fun this is the school for you!


Party goers or quite indivduals should attend this school. I feel as those everyone has a place where they fit in on the Slippery Rock campus. The surrounding area is a wonderful and friendly community always willing to lend a hand.


someone who wants a good education @a good price


Anyone who likes a rural atmosphere


Someone who works for what they want and wants to get involved with activities on and off campus.




Someone who is very into sports, greek life and semi-small town life-style.


Any one that feels it is a good fit for them. This school welcomes anyone.


The kind of person that should attend this school is one that doesn't mind having to look for something fun to do in your spare time. If you want something to do that's right there in front of your face and don't have to think about it, this school isn't for you. Also, you need to have an open mind, because many people express their views vocally on the campus quad.


I do not believe that Slippery Rock University has a specific ?type? of person that would best succeed in its environment. Many of my fellow students have come from various culturally, ethnic, social economical status, and religious backgrounds. Slippery Rock University has a diverse student population in many ways and allows for all types of students to have potential to succeed. My experiences have proven that any student willing to work hard will succeed at SRU.