Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania?


Getting into the classes you need as an underclassman.


The city of Slippery Rock doesn't have enogh sociable place where young folks can hang out, meet up, make friends beside on-campus and a few spot that are complecent because they do not feel any completition.


Thank alot of teachers dont give a dame about you, they would rather go to GHT and meet with you at their satilite office!


The most frustrating thing about school right now is the frequency with which the equipment here seems to need maintenance. It is disheartening to constantly be scrounging for the materials necessary to complete what I need to complete for my classes.


The athletic trainers do their best to help the student athletes but there needs to be more.


The most frustrating thing about school is financial probems. Slippery Rock is a very expensive school and they don't give a lot of financial aid or at least I haven't received any. Money is the biggest problem with college, especially when you are out of state and have those fees are added to your tution.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the weather. Since we are in Slippery Rock Pennsylvania, we are often hit with rain that lasts for a month and terrible snow storms. We also face very cold temperatures. Sometimes I feel as though we are in a hole because there is almost always precipitation here and I'm not sure why. This can make it very unpleasant to walk to class at times. Despite the weather, I still love attending school here. It is just important to invest in an umbrella, a good coat and some boots.


Having other people in your study groups that aren't as motivated and dedicated as you are. You have to learn to deal with them the right ways.


i hate the snow


I think that as a whole, Slippery Rock University is an outstanding campus with many htings to offer its students. However, there seems to be a division between ethnicities, even thought the campus and organizations do many things to enhance unitiy between races, there is still a division that i feel is prominent.