Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish that I would have known more about the work study program and job opportunities on campus.


I can't think of anything I wish I would have known prior to arriving. I came with an open mind to make the best of my college experience.


I wish I had been aware of how awful my roommate is, then I could have requested a new roommate before the year started.


Something that I wish I would have known before I came to Slippery Rock University would be the fact that most classes are not structured like they are in highschool. Professors in college expect you to know the content and be prepared. Eventhough a majority of the professors are willing to help you when you need it, they are not going to check up on you. As I am now about to begin my second semester, I am more aware of the way that college classes are stuctured. I will continue to strive to be the best I can be.


How expensive college is with out of state tution.


I wish I would have known that the Freshman 15 (gaining fifteen pounds my freshman year) was really not a myth. I wish that I was a bit more culturally well-rounded before I came to school that I wouldn't have experienced as much culture shock when I came to SRU. I also wish I would have thought a little bit harder about my major before coming here, too, but my wonderful advisors helped me get onto the right path of Social Work & Criminal Justice.


I wish that I knew more about financial aid because I am in major debt now and wish I would have budgeted my money better as a student.




I wished I knew how competitive my major is. There were 116 people originally signed up for my major, at the end of freshman year we had to apply to get into the major. They only accept about 25 at max.


I wish I would have known how much I would have missed all my friends, becasue I live out of state and I feel closer to the friends I meet at Slippery Rock then my friends at elementry through high school.