Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about my school is that everyone is friendly and there are so many people to help you and that want you to succeed. It is really nice to have people rooting for you to succeed that are on campus and who push you to do your very best.


The best thing about this school is the students and how well we stick toghter.


I would consider the campus and the education that one would receive to be the best things about my school. This is because the campus is very easy to access and one can get to classes fairly easy and education is important because it gets us to where we want to be in life.


The close knit groups of friends, eveyone finds a group that fits them very well.


The best thing about the school I will be attending is the oppertunities it provides with the major I have chosen to study for.


There are a lot of things that are the best at Slippery Rock. I think if I had to choose one would be the proffesors. You really learn a lot from them and they all are so nice and helpful when you need it.


The best thing about the school are the people who attend. There is such a diverse group of people that attend this school, and they can become your family. I know that some of the people I met my first semester there will be my life long friends.


I love that I can feel safe in Slippery Rock. It feels like home.


I think the best thing about the school is that it is small and you can have more one on one time with teachers. It is also, cheaper than most schools.


It is not very large so the professors know your name and can help you more.