Smith College Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Social life at Smith definitely varies among the three areas of campus. And for the most part the stereotypes fit (that the Quad parties, that Elm Street kind of parties and that Green Street is a bunch of quiet nerds). But they are stereotypes and they don't match up perfectly. Just this year, my house (one of the smallest on campus and traditionally regarded as geeky) had its first open house party. It was a lot of hard work but we were trying hard to become a more active part in campus community and I think we were successful. Just because someone lives in a certain part of campus doesn't mean that they can't have fun.


I'm iinvolved in the Smith Swim Team and it is the most amazing bunch of girls ever. We are the only team on campus that can boast a lot of team spirit. As a sport, swimming can be a team sport or a individual sport, but the way that we "BANANAS" work is as a team. We suffer through practices together 6 days a week, sometimes twice a day and we create a bond with each other than is unlike any that I've experienced even in high school sports. I also feel a lot has to do with the fact that we are all at Smith not because we want to excel at sports, but for academics. But we do happen to all love swimming and so we join the swim team. There is no pressure to perform at a level that exceeds what you can do, but there is enough motivation for you to go that extra mile to reach a goal that is a stretch for you. Athletics aren't supported enough at Smith, but I'm not exactly sure how to explain it. It maybe the fact that we don't have a team mascot that brings us all together, but I know that we are currently in the process of figuring out that problem.


I stay up too late, usually doing work after coming home from activities or rehearsals at 11pm. The social life here is great!!! There are always lectures to go to of guest artists, etc. There are plenty of five college events that one can attend, as well as your basic house parties. Sororities DO NO exist here. Drinking is not mandatory, though the majority of the campus does it. One can attend any party without drinking and still have fun. Our radio station provides us with great party DJs. There is usually always a recital, concert, or theater production going on, too.


in terms of athetic events, performances, and other such things, smith students are generally very supporting of each other. if it's the first rugby game of the season... you can expect a lot of people to be there. parties. smith parties are generally not that great. a lot of people just drink with their friends (yes, even underage!). the drug scene is a little less open. pot is pretty popular. on the other hand, there are plenty of people who choose not to drink or do drugs, and engage in sober fun. i just don't really know them. but there is always plenty to do... like go out to a movie, go out to dinner... go to the smith parties... your homework will always be an option.


There are always pleanty of events to attend on any given weekend: dance parties, a cappella concerts, classical music performances, and entertainment in Northampton and the other colleges. The house communities also provide great social outlets, where most Smithies can be found watching movies together, doing crafts, or whatever.


Smith has a wide range of extracurricular activities. Some of the most popular sports here are rugby and crew. There are many cultural clubs and community service/activism clubs. Opportunities abound for students to be involved in music, theater, and dance. There are 6 a capella groups on campus (including one strictly for bad singers), although the Smithereens are pretty much the best. Most people meet their closets friends in their orgs/clubs or in their houses. House communities are often very tightly-knit. The dating scene at Smith is fairly active, mainly with Smith students dating each other. But it is still possible to have a boyfriend if you so desire, either from one of the 3 co-ed schools in the area, or something slightly more long-distance. There is a full spectrum of partying on this campus, ranging from not at all to almost every night. So no matter how often or hard you like to party, chances are you will be able to find several kindred spirits.


Haha Smith social life. Here's the deal: there are parties, which are great if you like other girls, or if you're really drunk. The guys at these parties are suuuper sketchy. What winds up happening is you drink in your friends' rooms on the weekend, and you drink a lot. After a few years you calm down. But there's Amherst and UMass, so if you try, you can go to good parties too. However, if you are looking to date, good luck. The social life in the houses is another story--it's great! Everyone knows each other, and our doors are all always open. We all eat dinner together, do work together, play intramurals together, etc. It's a very warm environment. We have a lot of house traditions, like potlucks, senior banquet, and tea on fridays. This is one of the best aspects of Smith.


I have no idea about the most popular groups but I would guess the Unity organizations. Many students leave their doors open. I met my closet friends through classes that we shared. If I am awake at 2am I am probably watching videos on youtube while trying to finish homework. there are a few traditions that I am aware of including rally day, primal scream, mountain day, quadstock and the Quad riots. Last weekend I went to a party and hung out with my friends. On Saturday nights if you are not drinking you can go see a movie, or go out to dinner with friends. Off campus you can see boys which happens but is not common enough at an all womens college.


I met my closest friends through pre-vet course, chorus, and living in Hopkins. Chorus was great fun while I participated, but unfortunately our fabulous director left to get her PhD.


I am involved in the Smith Improv Komedy Organization - SIKOS. We perform improv comedy regularly around Smith campus and off campus in different venues. Once and a while we will do a show with one of the other improv groups from the surrounding four colleges in the area. We get a good turn out for our shows every time. Smith students as a whole seem to be interested in events on campus and take advantage of the different things that come to campus whether it be a concert, speaker, or performance. I met all my closest friends in my house. In my house, Washburn, people generally leave their doors open when they are around and some even when they are not. Everyone is very trusting and there has never been any type of situation. As for dating, people meet other people from the five colleges through friends or parties or any other school event or town. Its defiantly not impossible to meet people from the other schools in the area. There are also a lot of girls who meet people around campus, in class or though friends again, or at a party. The dating scene is the same as any other school although perhaps a bit more challenging if you are straight due to the lack of boys on campus, but not impossible. On weekends there are usually open house parties at various houses around campus. These generally speaking are big dance parties and alcohol is only served at a few of them and only to those of age. Off campus, there are a few local concert halls that hold concerts regularly that bring in both obscure and well known bands. There are a few bars in town if you are of drinking age, and a dance club. You can also go to any of the other four colleges in the area and go to a party there or anything else that might be happening on campus that night.