Smith College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Find Taxi numbers for when you miss that last bus home. Be prepared for Halloween to be FREEZING and dress appropriately. Convocation is NAKED, be forewarned. Change houses if you need a bigger friend circle. Work study doesn't pay much, so try to do part-time in town. Restaurants pay well, but coffee shops and stores have more flexible hours. Never miss class unless the professor LOVES you. Try the quad if your social life sucks, or Green street if you need quiet. Don't expect to find the guy you'll marry unless you are really lucky.


That it is okay to be who you are. I also would have liked to know they did not have an international relations major.


Bring rain boots.


How surreal life is.


nothing. it was great .


Relax! D's=Degrees. People are too uptight about grades.


How expensive it would be to pay back the loans.


I wish I would have known that I would have loved it to the point that it would be detrimental to my immediate future after college. I took part in almost every genre of activity the school had to offer and when graduation came, I was very unprepared for the "real world". Smith was my world and I took great part in her governance and participated in athletics and when I had to leave, it was a bit of a shock. I would have better prepared for this if I had known about this in advance.


I don't know--I don't really have any regrets.


I don't think any prior knowledge would have changed or helped with anything. It was an almost entirely positive experience.