Southeast Missouri State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Southeast Missouri State University.


My classmates range from interrupting, older non traditionals students to the quiet, never asking a question, sitting in the corner students.


My classmates come from many different backgrounds and most of them have great determination, intelligence, and a great sense of humor.


Classmates are friendsly and helpful.


My classmates really came together to help out and made sure we enjoyed our time together.


Since I am in upper level classes, the majority of my classmates are very similar to me and are interested in the same things.


Diverse and friendly. Good mix of people.


There are many different types of people that attend colleges. Don't be afraid to talk to everyone.


My classmates at Southeast Missouri State University have all been very nice and willing to help out if I had missed a class.


My classmates are very involve and passionate about the classes they have. They also like to have fun on the weekends and sometimes durning the week.


My classmates are normal students who all have the common goal, do better their lives by getting higher education.