Southeast Missouri State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Southeast Missouri State University know before they start?


Sophia, Hey girl. College is no joke. You've got to study a lot and you can't procrastinate. As soon as you start to slip you'll fall; trust me I've seen it happen. Save every penny you make because in the long run you're going to need it. College is a great experience and I'm not saying you can't have fun, I'm just saying to watch out because sometimes all that fun comes at a price. Just make sure to keep up on your studies and it'll fly by. It's going to be hard working and trying to go to school, but you can do it. I have faith in you. Try to keep your debt paid off as much as you can and you'll be fine when you graduate. The parking sucks, but you'll make it. Love always, Me


If i was to go back in time and talk to myself about my future college days, i would probably have to tell myself to prepare for financial aid ahead of time. Or atleast find a job that i would be able to keep for a while to help with all costs for college and home. I've learned that college is really expensive. From the books, fees, commuting money that is needed regularly, it can be hard at times. Especially now with the economic crisis that has affected us all. Another thing i would advice myself on is to make sure and have a great senior year with friends and enjoy them while i can, because once in college, you won't have much time to hang out with them. You will have to go to school in the morning and then go to work in the afternoon. I'm now responsible for myself and have to do everything. I no longer get much help from my parents financially since they are both unemployed and I'm currently looking for a job to help them out, as well as myself with my expenses for school and what not.


I would tell myself to not be afriad and to get involved. Talk to people and just relax. Most important save up as much money as possible do not waste any more on trivial things. Also just have fun for the last year of high school.


I would tell myself to take dulenrolement classes and to take the ACT a cuple more times.


If I could turn back time, I would tell myself to prepare financial aid in January. This is a vital part. The less you are worried about finances, the more you can focus on school. I would also tell myself to take the classes that I can for college credit, so I don't have to repeat anything unnecessarily.


Relax. That is the key to making a smooth transition from high school to college. I know that it may be hard to relax when you are thinking of what classes to take, what to major in, and whether or not you and your future roommate will kill each other. Just go out there and be yourself. Sometimes you should put the homework aside and get out there and have some fun. People say college is all about academics and your career...but it is that and so much more! College is a place where you meet some of your best friends and share some of the best memories. There is nothing wrong with taking a break from homework at midnight to go out to Taco Bell with your roommates. Those are the nights you will always remember. So just relax! Everything will turn out ok.


If I knew in my senior year what I know now, I would tell myself to be more prepared. I would not only have to be prepared for the emotional transition, being away from my family and friends, but also be prepared for the responsibilities that come with campus life. In high school classes met every day to discuss the course, but in college the classes may meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or Tuesday and Thursday. Between those days I am responible for doing homework, on my own, without my mom telling me to get it done. I am also responsible for doing my own laundry, dishes, and cooking. The biggest responsibility is getting up in the morning and actually going to class. If I don't teach myself to do that, then college will not work out for me at all.


The main advice I would give myself is to not be fearful and to just go for what I wanted. To not be afraid to go to my number one university, even though the cost was high, because there are things to help with the cost of the university and I would be a lot happier. I would also make sure to tell myself to be more involved with activities, to get out and be adventurous in meeting new people and to not fall back on my shy and old ways.


I would tell myself to take it one day at a time and not overwhelm myself. You realize you have a lot more time than you think to get things done and to do a good job on them instead of worrying about other things or trying to make time for everything. There's no rush. Take life slow and see it for what it is and enjoy it.


When I was a senior in high school I decided I wanted to take a year off after high school before going to college. If I knew then what I know now, I would have told myself don't take time off. That one year break I wanted to take turned into four years and a baby. I would tell myself to just go and don't wait. Taking the time off really hurt me when I actually did return to school. There was a lot of things that I had to re-learn. If I would have just gone to college right after high school, I think it would have been much easier for me. I would also tell my high school self that college really isn't as hard and scary as it seems. It is a lot of work but it is very much worth it.