Southern Connecticut State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Southern Connecticut State University? Why?


Well, their isn't anything bad about my school. The thing I consider to be worse, it's not only my school its any college campus. I how their's app called yik yak and its like a twitter but the college students can post anything anonomysly and I always check and their is always something negative a person is saying about another or jus tin general.


Some are not teh most helpful


The worst thing about Southern is the financial aid office. It is very disorganized and incoming and current students must stay on top of things to ensure that you get the money you deserve.


Sadly, from what I have observed, there is a real lack of school spirit and enthusiasm at my school. My fellow students don't seem to be as eager to learn as I am, and that is a little bit disheartening. I go to each class ready to learn and be inspired, and meanwhile, the kids around me are on their cell phones, dozing off, or engaging in various other distractions. I have not met a great deal of other motivated students, and to me, that is troubling. For this reason, among others, I am planning to transfer next fall.


As a freshman and an out of state student it was hard to get to know a lot of people because many kids went home on the weekends and went home for certain situations. Sometimes classes fill up quickly, mostly because of the increasing amount of students who attend SCSU.


I don't think there's something bad about my school, I love it!! but I do think they can do better with financial aid and registration...


The worst thing about Sounthern is the academic advisement and the organization of the Student Life Center. Incoming freshman and transfer students are very misguided and confused by our current system and faculty. Unless an upper classsmen lends their advice, most students end up on the five year plan, at least. Even when a student has declared a major, the faculty (including some departmental staff) will hand you a list and send you on your way. Also, the Student Life Center has made it extremely difficult for clubs to organize and execute activities. Some clubs are no longer running.


I consider the worst thing about high school to be the lack of independence. I don't believe that high school truly prepares an individual to for the real world when they enter their college career. High school teachers are constantly accepting late papers and awarding extra credit to students who may have forgotten assignments or fallen behind. However, a college professor rarely will accept late assignments or award extra credit to students who have slacked on their work. I believe that this "babying" way only hurts students in the future and gives them a false sense of work ethic.




Parking was always an issue., unless you were always willing to walk a mile to class or wait for a shuttle.


the food? I live in an on-campus apartment so I cook for myself, but the on campus food is not the greatest; but what university has great food?




The housing situation is really unfair. There should be more extra carricular activites offered. The fitness center should be larger and free to all students to use. More on campus jobs should be offered even if you do not qualify for financial aid.


The worst thing about SCSU is the dorm life, it really stinks. Plus the students mostly only care about drinking but besides that which is to be expected on any campus its fine.


The worst thing about Southern Connecticut State University is the location. there are always sirens being heard, and off campus is not safe to be at night. If anyone is to walk off campus they should be in groups and use the buddy system which is sticking with the same people or one person for the whole night. The best thing is the security, cops are always patrolling the area and send the students alert messages when somethigng bad has happened.


The worst thing about my school, is how it's underconstruction and will be for a length of time. Getting into a dorm is also another hassle at Southern. It's extremely competitive, and if you don't pay your housing deposit on time, you most likely won't be able to live on campus. Changes are desperatley needed in order to make this university a better place.


The worst thing about Southern is dealing with those in the Registrar's office or Financial Aid. They are very rude and condescending and tend to give you the run around. The best thing to do is immediately speak with a higher up. Most people working in the offices tend to seem bothered when you ask them for help or just for them to do their job.


I really enjoy the school. One thing that does and will always bug me would be the registering process for classes. You have to make 3 different schedules in advance just in case you do not get all the classes you want, which usually happens.


During the weekends there's nothing to do. Most people go home. Many students are also commuters so there aren't a lot of people here. It'd be nice if there were soem events going on. Nothing big, just something simple, but there's nothing.


the worst thing about Southern is the signing in and out, and all the little rules living in an on campus apt or dorm. Sometimes they can be a little too strict and treat you like babies. Also the shuttles should go around more places besides just on campus buildings.