When it comes to making a decision about colleges, always find out what it is the student wants to do, what job they want to pursue. If they do not know, they should then be allowed to pick a school where they feel comfortable. Take campus tours or meet college students (family members or friends) that live on campus and can show the student around. Most often, students get vibes when they feel like they've picked the right school. If they do attend the college and it doesnt work out, then there is a reason that second or third choices were picked! There will always be a place where the student belongs, and if money is ever an issue, there are hundreds of programs lined up just to assist your child! So parents and students, picking a college does seem hard, but most decisions are hard when you make them that way. Give it all your best, and you will find the perfect school as I found mine!
Find a school that is afforable and one that best caters to the major you are interested in.
You need to want this. If you, as a student, don't want to go to college, don't want to learn, or don't want to do academic work, don't. Take some time off. Travel, work, sleep. Don't waste your time and money on an unwanted education. The college experience will be best for everyone, parents, students, and faculty, if everyone who IS there WANTS to be there. College shouldn't be something you do between high school and "real life". College should be a pursuit of human betterment. Once you have that motivation, everything else will fall directly into place.
In picking the right school, recognize the importance of diversity. Not only ethnic diversity, but political diversity, academic diversity, geographic diversity, every difference that people have. You will receive the fullest education when you can interact with every different kind of person. One huge piece of college, for me, is finding my place in society and the world. I only find that by interacting with people coming from everywhere and preparing to go anywhere. Look for universal diversity. Then, as long as you're driven, many colleges will prepare you for anything you want to do.
Do what is the most financially realistic, many people are graduating with loans larger than a morgage on a house... it's not worth it
I would tell them to go and look at the schools first before making a decision. My first choice was not Southern but once I went to look at the other school, I decided that Southern would be a better choice for me.
Do what you have to do. From what I noticed people who decided to travel far from school, some how manage to come back to a school that is near by there home. Start closer first, to save time, money and energy.
It depends how important home is to you, and if you can drive. Regardless, be sure to try to make lots of friends, be really friendly, don't totally slack of on your studies, and try to get involved, at least a little bit.
If you are not absolutely sure about what you want to do, find a school with a lot of choices that way you won't have to transfer. It'll be easier to change majors than changing schools. Also make sure that you like the atmosphere and the surrounding are of the school. It's always good for someone to like where they are living because living the college life does not always need to be done on campus.
Selecting a university is a very important decision. When looking for a university, make sure you look at all aspects that the university has to offer. Look into the majors and course content, and the campus life and student population. Make sure to look at the food plans and meal options, and most importantly, tour the campus before making your final decision. To make the most out of the college experience you should make new friends and be social, yet at the same time, concentrating on your studies. Create study groups with people in your classes. This is a fun way to learn the course material and, at the same time, make new friends.
Having Long trem goals is the key to knwoing what college is right for you because all college is is the path to wherever you want to be for the next 20 or 30 years of your life. If you have a final goal and ideal job, then choosing what school that will best equip you for that will therefore be that much easier.