Despite what everyone and their mother says, SMU is in fact very diverse. Not one person that I've met has had the same experiences or comes from the same places. Everyone is so unique and yet again, despite the popular misconception, over 3/4 of campus is on financial aid.
The student body is pretty homogenous, at least that is how it seems at first- white, wealthy, christian, conservative, and southern. But if you want a more diverse experience you can find it- in general Moore Hall and Morris McGinnis Hall are more diverse. Also, there is a LGBT group and a muslim group that are pretty visible on campus. If you are not involved in greek life, you will meet different people.
In Ump the food is great!...for the first three weeks and then you are SOL. But when you walk in there is the football/swimmer/basketball table [depending on the season and if we won]; there are the many scattered out tables of girls in full out makeup and work out shorts laughing or talking very loudly while the equal number of guys in either polo’s and seersuckers’ or shirt and red tie are doing the same thing, except drunk [at 10 am]; there are the close friends in the ‘quiet side’ who seem to take up the whole row of tables while shouting to the person at the other end; the geeks and freaks seem to cluster together too; there are also the loners who take up an entire booth to study or go over to the sports section to watch ESPN.
Upper middle class, conservative white kids. Anyone else is there on scholarship or apart of an athletic team.
The students that would feel out of place at SMU are the students who do not take the time to immense themselves in the culture and experiences SMU has to offer.
The type of student who would feel out of place at SMU would be a lower-income student who doesn't drink/party and doesn't want to be in a frat or sorority. I'm from an upper middle-class family, and I still felt very out of place amidst all the Coach, Burberry, iPhones, etc. Most students come from upper class... most are very wealthy.
Also, I don't drink and don't like being around people who are drinking, so my social life was pretty limited because I didn't know many people who shared my same beliefs. Most people drink/party often, so if that's not your cup of tea, you'll be spending a lot of Thurs-Sat nights in.
I had so much fun at SMU. I loved being part of the Greek system, but I never felt pressure to join it, nor did I feel discriminated against being in it.
SMU is mostly upper class WASPs. Most of the students here have parents who are very successful and very wealthy. Ralph Lauren and Lacoste Polos, and sun dresses are the norm both to class and outside of class. There are students from all over the country and the world. Most are from Texas and California. Students are predominantly republican and are become more aware, but political reform and demonstrations rarely occur. Money is a big motivator for most students.
Students (girl students) wear from work out clothes and tshirts and nike shorts to dresses and very stylish attire. Boys usually wear from tshirts and sweatpants to jeans or other pants and polos or oxfords. It varies noone is dressed the same. Just as any other college.
I thought more SMU students would be from Texas and dont get me wrong there are a good bit from Texas, but there are a good bit from California which i didnt expect. Also i know from personal experience there are a good bit from New Orleans as well, SMU has people from all over, it's pretty cool through talking to people you are bound to know someone that someone else knows!
We are fun!! The majority of the SMU population is definitely a fairly religious caucasian individual, but I honestly think anybody can find their niche.