There are always student organizations hosting events on campus. On any given weeknight, I may have to decide between going to see a recent movie that Program Council is showing, attending the Hispanic Association's Salsa Night, or hearing a Tate Lecture by Regis Philbin...oh, and did I mention all of those are free?!
There are always student organizations hosting events on campus. On any given weeknight, I may have to decide between going to see a recent movie that Program Council is showing, attending the Hispanic Association's Salsa Night, or hearing a Tate Lecture by Regis Philbin...oh, and did I mention all of those are free?!
A lot of kids choose to get involved with Greek life, and second semester of your freshman year, your friends will completely change depending on who goes Greek or not. I'm not sure on the statistics, but it feels like everyone that isn't socially awkward or uptight went Greek, and once you're committed, basically every night of the week will be filled with mixers, parties, formals, chapter meetings, or just going out to dinner and hanging out with someone else in your fraternity or sorority. Second to Greek life, a lot of people get involved with Christian groups on campus, and the student council group is pretty big too. Personally, i'm part of the human right's group and a Christian group called One28 that meets Monday nights for small group and Wednesday nights for a big service. Unfortunately, most of the door shut automatically for fire safety concerns, but Perkins and Smith (which i hear are scheduled to be torn down next year or the year after?) have the old fashioned doors so they do stay open, and it's really a big perk to living in one of those two dorms. Football games are honestly very rarely attended. People are more into the "boulevarding" which is what we call our tailgating before the football games, and since it lasts for hours, most people are too tired to go to the actual game or just don't care. Some people go for the first half, but very few student fans are left by the end of the game. I've heard of some people going to basketball games, and i've been to one myself, but sports in general aren't too popular here. For all incoming freshmen, there's something called "AARO" that is kind of like orientation over the summer where you spend one night in the dorms getting to know other incoming freshmen, and then there's something called "Mustang Corral" which is a weekend retreat for all incoming freshman right before classes start. It's awkward, but everyone feels that way, and it really does help you get a feel for the students before the year even starts. I met my closest friends on an expedition with the Hilltop Scholars (a first-year program that you are preselected for when you're admitted if you have good grades and leadership). It was the summer before I started coming here, and there were about fourteen of us split into two groups backpacking in Colorado for a week with no showers--- so we really got to know each other well. While I sure wouldn't do it again because the whole no showering thing was gross, I am so thankful that I got that opportunity because without it, I don't know if i would have met the two girls who are my best friends here. As for weekends, I don't really know of many people who don't do the whole drinking and partying scene, but there is a cute little shopping center with nice places to eat out within walking distance, and I know i've done that a couple of times instead of going out. First semester, no one is really dating, but second semester i've seen a few couples that have formed. The majority of the dating scene is very hook-up oriented, and it's not uncommon to hook-up with more than one guy in a night and laugh about it the next morning with your friends. That's not my style, but I know of a lot of people who take that approach.
By far, the most visible organizations at SMU are fraternities and sororities. Joining a fraternity has been the best experience I've had at SMU. My closest friends are all my fraternity brothers. Fraternity and sorority parties at SMU differ from those of other schools due to the affluence at SMU. Instead of keggers at houses, most parties happen in rented out clubs/bars in uptown Dallas. Like most Greek systems, SMU's Greek life is known for dominating the social scene, but there is far more to it than parties. Greek organizations provide far more unity to the campus than they do division. They are highly involved in local and national philanthropies, and most leadership positions on campus are occupied by Greek students. SMU has many fun and memorable traditions. The most popular of these traditions is the Boulevard. As an alternative to tailgating before football games, SMU students party on tree-line Bishop Boulevard for the most picturesque party in the nation. The Boulevard is a huge booster of school spirit, and every student participates. SMU has a thriving student government with both elected positions and non-elected positions so that any interested student can participate. SMU offers the Tate Lecture series which offers students the opportunity to meet and ask questions to world leaders.
I would believe the greek life is the main activity or group at the school. It seems like most women are partaking in sorority life.
There are so many organizations that it's hard to write about all of them. We have a lot of fraternities, sororities, religious groups and so on that try to get people to join them when advertising at the student center. It's a great idea to get involved in school organizations because you can meet people that share the same views you do and you can make new friends!!
Most important student activities at SMU is GREEK LIFE.
I am currently involved in a professional organization named ALPFA, an association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting. I am also part of Kappa Delta Chi Inc a sorority in campus that is an organization dedicated to service for the University and the community with especial emphasis on the Hispanic population.
Last week we had our homecoming weekend. During this week we have various events for the queen and king and end up the day with a football game. Organizations have tents in the boulevard and student tailgating before the game. After the game there are many outside parties.
One of the main traditions of SMU is the game against TCU, this is a big game for both school and a way to demonstrate our pride.
I currently live off campus; there are many apartments complex around the area and plenty of activities to do. There are two big malls close to campus, as well as theaters, parks, bars, and more.
SMU is located close to downtown in a friendly neighborhood.
I am currently involved in a professional organization named ALPFA, an association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting. I am also part of Kappa Delta Chi Inc a sorority in campus that is an organization dedicated to service for the University and the community with especial emphasis on the Hispanic population.
Last week we had our homecoming weekend. During this week we have various events for the queen and king and end up the day with a football game. Organizations have tents in the boulevard and student tailgating before the game. After the game there are many outside parties.
One of the main traditions of SMU is the game against TCU, this is a big game for both school and a way to demonstrate our pride.
I currently live off campus; there are many apartments complex around the area and plenty of activities to do. There are two big malls close to campus, as well as theaters, parks, bars, and more.
SMU is located close to downtown in a friendly neighborhood.
Greeks, greeks, greeks.