I love the size of SMU. It is just big enough that you can always meet new people, but small and intimate enough that the courses don't feel overwhelming and there is always someone that you know in most of your classes. SMU is located in Dallas, so it has a big city feel, and everything is fast paced, but once you enter the campus you will forget that you are in the middle of busy Dallas and just focus on the beauty of the buildings, landscape, and fountains of the campus.
SMU is a great size. I would never walk to class with out knowing atleast one or two people, yet I could meet a new person everyday if i wanted. There is just the right mix of girls and boys!
Best thing about SMU is the friends that you will meet and the greek life. If I were to change something it would be the food in our cafeteria. Most girls love us just because they love our lifestyle on and off of SMU's campus. I spend the most time ON campus in friends dorm rooms. This college is set in a professional, metropolitan city not a college town. Most of the administration are good they will take time out to talk to you but the professors from what i have experienced are not as intrigueing as i would like them to be. The biggest controversy has been how well our football team will do this next year with our new head coach June Jones. Yes, there is a ton of school pride but not particularly towards out athletics. Yes the unusual thing is that we drive nicer cars then our professors. Casino Night, best college party in the nation hands down. The damn dorm inspections and fines.
it's a beautiful campus. but the party atmosphere definitely detracts from academics. the greek systems holds a lot of power on campus. big controversies lately has been the task force findings on how to help prevent or discourage alcohol and drug abuse. the paper published the fact that we have some of the lowest paid professors around (where the hell does my $40,000/year tuition go to?!!!). and apparently a lot of students leave SMU b/c the academics are too easy. and lets face it, that's slightly true. there are hard classes that spark your interest out there, but you have to hunt for them. the food is not bad but you can't eat in the cafeteria on weekends. they go to the bottom of the barrel as far as food goes on weekends. the dedman rec center is a good place to go hang out. other than that, there's not much on campus so you have to go off campus for your fun.
SMU has a small, closed campus, and, despite the fact that it is minutes from downtown, it feels very safe. SMU is known for its business school and the stereotypes within it, but great people are everywhere.
The squirrels are very friendly here.
Parking sucks- but that's every college.
SMU is just the right size and campus is BEAUTIFUL!! People expect you to smart and rich when they hear you go here. Assumptions can work in your favor.. or not.
Its not a typical college in the fact that "going on" consists of different bars on Greenville. There are house parties, but they always end up at a bar. Its not necessarily a bad thing...except for TABC...
Not too much school pride, but I blame the football team. Maybe June Jones can turn that around.
These 'bad' things are nothing compared to the good. Trust me- you'll LOVE it
If you are looking for a diverse school then SMU is not the school for you. As a minority, you are basically a second class student, or lower depending on your race. If you are a strong, intellectual minority looking for a school to make an impact on as a minority, then SMU is the place for you.
SMU is badass. The other schools I applied to were all in the top 30, and I'm pretty glad I didn't get into them. Just about everything about this school is amazing, but we do fall short in some aspects. The campus is gorgeous, and so are a significant majority of the women. Sometimes its difficult to find the right balance between looks and personality while keeping common sense, but they're definitely around. It's a small school though, so if you're hoping to sleep around with all of them, it won't work for various reasons.
The football is in recovery; I had huge hope last season and it sucked. Most people tailgate and then go back to watch their home teams... games can get pretty empty, but we're still hoping to turn that around (think 2011ish).
Dallas is really cool, parts of it are trendy. If you don't like to put on the occasional suit when you go do something nice/collared shirts even around campus sometimes the atmosphere may not be right for you. It's not a super liberal college. Social life is sick though. Greek life is huge around here, those not involved may or may not do too much socially. Greek life guarantees you not only a large loyal following, but a lot of members of the opposite sex wondering what your doing each night too: it's fun. Remember that SMU contains a lot of going out, if you fall into that category, it'll be great fun for you, and if you don't, congratulations b/c you have the advantage over your hung-over peers that got drunk rather than an early start on their paper.
Administration can be a bunch of assholes sometimes and it can even seem like they're anti-student but if you're lucky you don't get incredibly involved with them. I feel like the top dogs aren't too bad, but everybody under them is.
I love that the campus is relatively small. Another great thing is the the bulidings look very old and they have shape to them rather than at some campuses all the buildings are square and look the same.
When I tell people that I attend SMU, they automatically think I am smart then they always ask how much it costs to go there.
I am neutral towards the administration. I have had good and bad experiences with professors.
The quality of its educators. The backwards thinking mindset of most of the students on campus. SMU is sized perfectly, classes are generally 12-30 people. Half reference the stereotypes associated with the school, the other half recognize how good of an education it is. In class or at work, most people don't hangout on campus unless they live there. Dallas is a great city to live in and its only getting better as the city continues to get larger and pump more funds into worthwhile projects such as the improved arts district and museums. There are plenty of places to go out only a few miles from campus and the area has some of the best food in Dallas. The administration means well and occasionally even helps students out, but it doesn't seem all that often. Most of the time they feel there are more important things to attend to like harping on our few diverse students or pumping more wasted money into the south's worst football team. There is very little school pride. It's a bubble. lack of student life on campus, too prevalent a greek system, too conservative.