There is a wonderful variety of study spaces on campus. It's not uncommon to spread out a blanket on the grass and study! Each of the four libraries has unique benefits. The Virginia-Snider Hall second and third floor lounges are by far my favorite.
One of the best places to study or get your work done is Fondren Library which is open 24 hrs, and Fondren is a little loud if you study at the main area because people usually go and do group projects there but if you want to have peace and quiet you can always go upstairs and get a room. There is also Bridwell Library which is a longer walk for most people and it is a really quiet place, talking is not allowed unless you want to go down stairs for the computers. I like Fondren because if I need to meet with my friends we can in the talking area and if I need time to study I can just go and get my own room or a corner desk.
There's Fondren Library, which is your typical 24 hour gigantic college library, and there's Bridwell Library which has only two rooms with long tables and lamps. Bridwell is dead silent, so you'll really get a lot done, versus at Fondren where people talking can sometimes get in the way. The best place, though, is if you sneak into the building specifically for business graduates, where there are closed off rooms with long tables and white boards in every room. It's absolutely amazing to study there for finals.
There's Fondren Library, which is your typical 24 hour gigantic college library, and there's Bridwell Library which has only two rooms with long tables and lamps. Bridwell is dead silent, so you'll really get a lot done, versus at Fondren where people talking can sometimes get in the way. The best place, though, is if you sneak into the building specifically for business graduates, where there are closed off rooms with long tables and white boards in every room. It's absolutely amazing to study there for finals.
SMU has a great library called "Fondren" which is the typical hangout of most students before tests. You can find people studying, sleeping, and just chilling with friends. During finals week, they give away lots of freebies like hot chocolate, candy, popcorn, and more. Also, I like to study at the MLounge and Commuter Lounge located in Hughes Trigg which is the student services building. MLounge is fun because it is very modern looking with lots of tvs for video games and the put down the 150in projector screen whenever there is a game (MAVS, Rangers, Cowboys and so on) which can make it fun to study!! If you are in the Engineering school, then there is the Lab in Embrey building with computers and desks so people can study.