This school is beautiful. Some of the buildings are old, but they remodel on the inside and keep a sense of timeless culture on the outside. Each teacher they hire are mostly excellent. Instructures care about how you are doing. I have found in other schools that the envirnment was unwelcoming and distant. I find none of that in this college. I feel I am free to make mistakes, and then turn around and use my mistakes to gain greater knowledge.
It's very local - most students are from the surrounding area. It's very culturally diverse and environmentally friendly. I chose the school because it was the only 4-year university within four hours of my house, but I put in the effort to get to know the professors, and it really paid off in terms of career advise and getting the most out of my classes.
I haven’t attended many schools to really good a good comparison, but from my observations sports aren’t a major focus here. We have teams but its nothing compared to colleges like UCLA.
Southern Oregon University is a small school but it is very focused on the students and making their dreams a reality, and the city is a small, safe place to hang out.
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
Since this is a small school, students are able to get to know all the faculty members in their major's department. Also, Southern Oregon has a wonderful theatre department unlike any other in the United States. We are located in Ashland, OR, home of the Oregon Shakespear Festival where people from all over come to see our wonderful plays.
Beautiful campus setting nestled in the foothills of a mountain ski area and within walking distance of a downtown plaza that serves as a tourist destination with world-calss theater arts and restaurants. SOU sits within an environmentally friendly region with pristine wilderness areas, local parks and trails, nearby lake and numerous outdoor activites. The school is large enough for 5,000 students and small enough for individual attention. The faculty is hands-on and concerned for the overall success of each individual student.
It is very diverse, everyone is nice, and you can be yourself.
This campus is welcoming, as are the people.
Nestled in the Rogue Valley, Ashland is a tiny little town unlike any other I've ever been in. While it might not have all the luxurious amenities of a downtown university like PSU or a big college like UO, it's tight knit, beautiful and engaging. Other campuses I visited just weren't as interesting as SOU's - people here are liberal, friendly and open-minded. College is about the experience, not the education, and I chose my university accordingly.
I considered this school because it was close to home and relatively cheaper to attend than state universities. It also has a great nursing program.
The community is small and people get along great for the most part. There arent many social taboos and restrictions that single out any groups of students from socializing with other groups. There is a great level of tolerance for gays, same sex couples and transvestites. However, I do notice some closet racism, people who are accepting of diversity in front of their friends, but who reveal their discomfort with gays and ethic groups in a smaller gathering. The weather is pleasant for the most part.