Southern Oregon University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Southern Oregon University?

Is Southern Oregon University a good school?

What is Southern Oregon University known for?


great school great academics


I love this school. SOU is a small school with big opportunities to learn and have fun. The school is expanding every year! Ashland is a quaint town full of friendly people. Although we may not be well recognized we have some great sports, and even greater leaders here on campus. The school pride needs some work, but that is why it is so important to get enthusiastic freshman every year to boost up the spirit. Peole tend to think, "why SOU?' I always respond, "why not SOU?" "SOU is freaking great!" We are a going green and have moved to trayless dining. Small changes like this are happening in hopes to improve our school for future students. If you get involved with leadership at this school you won't regret it. I, myself am a part of our school's RHA. A wonderful experience that I am proud to have had. We have a beautiful library,campus, and community. Keep your mind open, SOU may just surprise you!