Southern Oregon University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Southern Oregon University know before they start?


The biggest piece of advice that I would want to give myself as a high school senior is to take a college writing class in high school. Writing papers and essays in college is a lot different than in high school and I was definately not prepared for this level of writing. I would tell myself that I need to pay more attention in English classes and show more interest in my writing. Thinking outside of the box does not come natural to me, so writing in depth is not easy. Taking a creative writing or even any writing class would have prepared me more for college.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I would have told myself that things would be okay - that in the time from then until now, how I'd learn to become my own best friend and learn to face the challenges which had in the past, crippled me. I would say, "keep your head up"; I'd probably pat myself on the back too. I might mention the name of a few girls to steer clear of and a few other people to give a chance without passing judgement. I would say to myself that it would be okay not to know what I was doing with my life just yet, and that as long as I tried hard at what I did and found a safe place to collect my thoughts at the end of the day, that things would end up alright - and how I'd might even discover a new passion! I would remind myself to be curteous to others along my way and to be open to the many possibilities that I would confront on my journey to the West Coast and on my path of self discovery.


I would tell myself to learn how to really study! So many things happen in college: financial responsabilities, study techniques, communting, and being resourceful. I believe that high school prepares us for the acedemics yet not for the social changes. I would tell myself to pay more attention to what my parents said, and trust that the teachers want you to ask more questions in class. Inquisitiveness is not a bad thing! I would also try and tell myself that you will get through it; day by day if you have to! That every effort and mistake counts for something and that with faith you can learn what you always thought was out of limits.


I would tell myself that the college experience is what you make of it, and so putting in the effort to do the work well really pays off. Don't worry so much about the social life - friends come and go, the college transcript is forever. It isn't about proving yourself, it's about learning and gaining experience and professional connections so when you go out into the "real" world, you're prepared for whatever it may throw at you. Most of all, believe in yourself. Self-confidence is the key to unlocking the real benefits of a college education.


Take your time, before you know it, it will all be over. You will be looking back upon your high school life and wondering where it all went so fast. Soon you will be packing your bags and heading off to a whole new environment, a place where you will not have your parents their to lean on for support. Save up your allowance, for later you will be wishing that you had some of it to pay off your future tuition. Be smart, make decisions that will help your cause; and most of all, do not take it all for granted.


I would tell myself not to be scared about the transition from high school to college. There are so many opportunities in college and there are individals to assist you with anything you need help with. I would have also told myself to go out an volunteer more so I had an idea of what I wanted to do in college. I thought I wanted to be a nurse so I volunteered at a hospital my senior year. That assisted me with knowing I didn't want to be a nurse. In hindsight I should have had more variety with where I volunteered. I would finally tell myself to take advantage of every opportunity in college to learn and grow as a student and as an individual. Don't be afraid of upperclassmen or instructors. Each individual has a different background than I do and you can learn so much from their backgrounds. Overall I would tell myself to listen, explore, adventure, learn, and grow.


If I could tell myself anything, I would tell myself to have a good mix of fun and studying. When I first started my college experience I just wanted to have fun. I didn't leave enough time for my studies. So now, here I am six years after graduating high school, still trying to finish my bachelors degree.


Living primarily with my homeschool teacher and only attending campus course for art classes, I didn’t really get the full high school experience. I think that was a good thing. Between losing a friend every year, and mental health concerned I am so proud that I graduated and with a decent GPA. My advice to myself would be: 1. Work first play latter. Keep to our schedule, fallow it. Don’t let cute people distract us from what we are here for; getting our degree. No one is worth sabotaging our success over.2. Don’t let the non believes get you down. People may not always believe in your capabilities, but we know what we are capable of. Its time to turn people’s cannots and will nots in to dids, and dones. 3. We can do this! Don’t give up, and know that there will be in our future people that support us and our goals, you just have to wait for them.


Graduating from high school can be incredibly freeing, so freeing it can be intoxicating. That is awesome! Let this be the wonderful, expansive time that it is! Many people move out of their homes for the first time when they graduate high school. The temptation is great to party and carouse and be social, to stay up late - all stuff you should be doing. While you are young with few commitments is a perfect time to explore the world. But be honest with yourself - would you prefer to be working or traveling rather than going to college? If the answer is yes then possibly a year off before university would be a good idea. College is expensive and there is no point in attending if you are just going to party and not go to class. If you do feel ready for college, there is no reason you cannot be a successful student while enjoying the new freedoms of being away from home. Create study time daily rather than just the night before an exam. Studying frequently will ensure that you will always have time to take a break to hang out with friends.


Don't expect to make friends right away, especially since you are different - younger, intellectually gifted, diagnosed with learning disabilities. It will be hard socially and easy academically, and upper-division courses won't change that much. Don't judge professors right away, some of the ones you end up liking best are the ones you start out hating most. Most of all, don't be afraid to speak out. No one knows what you're thinking unless you tell them.


Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would tell myself to slow down and have a little more fun. For me, the first two years of college were so sports orientated that I didn’t have time to worry about my academics. I have always known that I wanted to be a teacher so I knew the exact classes I wanted/needed to take and sports was such a great stress reliever. It gave me that couple hours a day to get away from reading, homework, and projects and I just got to channel all my energy in to being an athlete. I was really uptight about school and sports that I never got to experience the “college life”. I went in already knowing what I wanted to do and focused and pulled through in four years got my Bachelor’s Degree and now it’s like I was on cruise control and I missed everything. Needing to have a happy medium balance of a social life on top of sports and academics would have made college more fullfilling for me.


I would tell myself to get the most obnoxious classes out of the way so you can enjoy your last two years taking classes that you are interested in. Spent time studying instead of socializing, and accept everyone for who they are.


Beginning college has made me wish I had done a few things differently my senior year but the best advice I would give myself, would be to pay attention in all of my classes and not slack off on anything. No matter how insignificant or useless the class and the lessons being taught may seem, you will use almost everything at a later time and it will serve as a base for the new things you will learn your first year in college. Not paying attention during that final year of high school and having the whole summer off will cause you to forget things and playing catch up, while others who payed attention breeze through it, is no fun. Neglecting your classes and homework will ultimately come back to haunt you and make things much harder on you. Doing well in high school will benefit you more than you can imagine and will have you on the right path to success during your first year of college.


If I had the chance to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would have much to share. I would let myself know that it is ok if you don't go directly through college in 4years. If you have to take time off to work so you can pay for school, it is ok; it doesn't make you less of a student. I would also stress the importance of selecting a workload you know you can handle; Its better to take a couple classes at a time that way you can manage your life, your job, and your school work all at the same time. Since graduating high school 7 years ago I have had to juggle school, money issues (both for me personally and issues involving sending money home to help my family), and the stresses of school. But I would also congratuate myself on some of the choices i made before i came to college, like getting my CNA license; such decisions have helped me immensely in my journey so far.


I would tell myself to take my time picking a school. I should have applied to more than one state school--knowing that I wouldn't attend the private universities I applied to. I would tell myself that it isn't all it's cracked up to be. Being so far away from home isn't always fun. When I need my mom, she's 300 miles away. Most of all, I'd tell myself that I didn't need to know everything. Not everything has to always be planned out. In the end, the only thing that matters is your at a school that makes you happy and you feel comfortable at.


One thing is certain; I would tell myself that the sky is the limit and you are capable of achieving anything if you try your hardest. As a highschool senior; I struggled with feelings of inferiority, not being good enough, and comparing myself to those around me. I would tell myself to not be scared because college is going to be the best time of my life. It is going to be a time to really find my identity and where I fit in in this world. A time for me to figure out my interests and what I would like to do with my life. And the last thing I would tell myself is to not be scared and to embrace this new environment that I am going to be living in and learning in for the next four years.


I would tell myself as a high school senior that college is at times challenging, but as long as I don't lose sight of what I want to make of myself, it is never as difficult as I think. I would tell myself about the amazing friends I have made and how they have been such a huge influence on my life. I would remind myself to never let another person compromise my values and beliefs. I would tell myself that the future is limitless as long as I am willing to try to make the future I have always dreamed of. College is not difficult. As long as I have good friends the transistion is not hard. Living alone is odd, but gives a sense of independance that never would have been felt at home. I would tell myself that I made the right choice.


If I was able to give myself advice as a high school senior, I would stress the importantance of getting college done right away. Waiting until everything falls into place before going back to college sounds great in theory, but I think that it has only held me back from my dream longer. I would also stress the importance of not worrying what others are thinking, and how I should act. I had a certain view point of college in High School from what I had seen in movies about college. It's not all about the parties, people in college for the most part are serious about furthering their education, and the immaturity in High School is frowned upon and no longer seen as funny, which I'm thankful for. I would also stress that college is not as scary as I made it seem in high school and that my dreams are possible.


Bunk your beds, keep an open mind and learn to balance your social life with your studies.


Dont pack as much. I thought i needed so much for school, but in reality i ended up sending most of it, or taking most of it, back home. Dont procrastinate. I would spend time doing what i wanted to do and then do my homework into the little hours of the night, but if i had just sat down and did my work i would have had more time to myself. To be myself. Others thought me quiet and to myself because i didnt really make an effort to speak up and show my true personality those first weeks. Have fun. Those fun times go by and the memories I could have had slipped away because i chose to procrastinate and have no time for it.