I wish someone had been there to help steer me off the path that lead to procrastination and carelessness and onto the path that I found later than I wish I had; the path that made me realize that I have so much potential.
I wish that I had known that there would be nice people on campus to be friends with. It would have saved me a lot of time being in my head trying to sort out my problems. I wish that I would have known that there would be a lot of opportunity to jump into higher level classes if I had done research on my own prior to enrollment. The last thing that I wish to have known was that there would be free tickets for students to see music concerts. There are worldclass performances held often at this university
I wish like many other college students before me, that I had saved up for college. I took the previous time that I had for granted. I also wish that I had applied for more scholarships. I applied to at least forty of them, yet was not awarded any. I have a great financial need, so the years to come will truly be a challenge. It seems though that scholarships are searching for only the best of the best, yet I still strive to accomplish my goal of at least recieving one scholarship that I have applied for.
I wish I would have known that the SOSA scholarship application deadline was in March. Pay attention to deadlines =!
I wish I had known if I could complete my degree fully online.
The different advising bodies (academic, financial) are not in good communication with one another. Never assume everything is taken care of! Always go back and check.
There is nothing else that I could have known that would have better prepared me. Everything that happened to me this year has made me a stronger and better person.
SOU is a family away from home. Contrary to the notion that students are enrollment statistics, SOU provides myriad ways for students to get involved on campus and in the community. Faculty engage, advise and encourage students in a friendly and welcoming way. Students succeed at SOU, regardless of pursuits, precisely because the entire environment, from the geographical layout and scope of the campus, to its caring staff and community are all interested in producing productive concerned citizens.
It would have been helpful to know more about how the campus runs and how certain things work. For example, the meal plan was really difficult to understand and needed to be explained to me (and many others) several times over to finally be able to use it without confusion. Another thing is tuition and the other small fees that are billed, those should be explained more, like why they are how much they are and why they are being charged.
I wish I had known, as a senior in high school, how much life changes and how quickly once a person leaves home. I've made great friends here, and many of my best friends in high school started to drift away almost immediately. I've become more appreciative of my family, more careful with money, more outgoing. Fortunately, this college is exactly what I expected it to be--better, actually--after just one campus visit before attending.
I attended a very small school where I didn't have to study very hard. Now, I wish I had known that SOU's classes require a solid amount of studing, but nothing unberalbe if you have a good work ethic.
To get all my general education done a a junior college.
I wish i would have known some of the resources that are availible to students, such as the ACESS center, financail aid and the different study halls and computer labs that are avalible on campus.
To get involved is the best thing you could do here! Everyone is really friendly and all you have to do is be yourself.
That they dont have a graphic design major
how to develop my disable limitations better, I had to add as I went
How small the town was. The town and the college don't seem to be compatable with one another but for now they are living together. The town itself has some of the highest housing prices in Oregon and is seen as a vacation spot for the rich who enjoy the near by mountain. The police and campus security aren't looking out for the students best interest.