Southern Utah University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Southern Utah University? Why?


Southern Utah University is an excellent school for those students who want an easy transition between high school and college. To say what the worst thing was about the school is a very personal opinion and largely based on each individuals experience. What I consider to be the worst thing about my school would be the limited number of class times available for some of the classes. I have had difficulties in creating my schedule because some of the classes I need to take only have one time for it offered and they are at the same time as other classes.


Southern Utah University is an excellent school for those students who want an easy transition between high school and college. To say what the worst thing was about the school is a very personal opinion and largely based on each individuals experience. What I consider to be the worst thing about my school would be the limited number of class times available for some of the classes. I have had difficulties in creating my schedule because some of the classes I need to take only have one time for it offered and they are at the same time as other classes.


The thing I would consider to be the worst at this school would be lack of advertisement for events in all areas of campus. Sometimes the information is not put in or by all buildings which can be frustrating but not unchangable.


I would say the worst thing about my school is the lack of textbooks that are required for my courses. When the bookstore runs out of the textbooks I need for my courses, I have to special order and wait a few days later for my book to come at the store. Just a few weeks ago, I special ordered my textbook for college algebra, but a week after I special ordered my book, the bookstore said to me they never received an order from me. Fortunately, the situation was resolved and I got my book after another week later.


There is very little diversity, and a strong emphasis on the Mormon religion.


I haven't had a chance to experience this at other Universities other than what friends and family have told me, but one thing that I would like to be different about SUU is an increase of excitement with the sporting events. I have been to BYU football games, and other varoius sporting activites and the energy and excitement in those arenas is incredible! I would love to be able to experience more of that at SUU.


The general education classes seem to be a waste of time and money. There are very little expectations in them.


It seems petty, but I wish we had a better student center/student hang-out. The Sharwan Smith Center is great in its own right, but something completely detached from the offices and everything would be better. Also I've had trouble with the internet connection on campus, making it difficult to get my online work turned in on time.


The worst thing is that they don't support their students financially even when they are doing very well in school. I have a very high GPA and yet they offer no financial aid and when you go to them for help support your education they show no response or sympothy. That to me is very disappointing. They need to support the academic success in the school more.


I have not found anything about my school that I don't like yet.