Pick a college/university that has a broad range of majors (you will most likely end up switching).
Visit campuses that you are intersteded in attending before hand and get a tour.
Stay in a dorm or on campus for a night if possiable.
Apply for as much financial aid as possiable (never hurts to have extra).
Talk to students who currently attend, not just recruiters and faculity, get the real story.
Plan as early as possiable.
Wal-Mart, McDonals, Subway and other gift cards are studnet's best friend and make great gifts anytime.
Have some fun.
Stay physically active.
Make sure the college fits who you wanna be when you graduate. You want to make sure the people that will influence you will be the right type of people. Remember to hold your values close to you and don't jump into something new without getting a closer look at it.
As you prepare to look for a college be flexible and willing to try new experiences. Dorm life, clubs and sports are great ways to meet people and expand your sphere of influence. College is a spring board for the rest of your life. Work towards establishing a mission or goal and don't be apprehensive of redefining who you are in the process. Have fun while becoming a well-rounded individual. Parents and students must view college as an investment in the future. With that in mind they must choose a college that will be best for the student not necessarily what is the least expensive or most convenient. Remember, the purpose is to come out on the other side prepared to be servant-leaders in a global society.
It doesn't matter who else likes your school. It's up to you to decide. Not all colleges are meant for all
First of all, research different colleges and make an informed, well thought out decision. But, don't stress out over it either. Remember, if you choose a college that you wind up not liking, no one ever said you couldn't transfer. Visit colleges that you think you might like to attend to help you get a feel of what it would be like to go to that school. To make the most of your college experience, decided what you WANT your experience to be like. Make sure you focus on what NEEDS to be done--schoolwork, for example--and then have fun, make lots of friends, and try new things to see what you like. There is no one set of experiences that you have to adhere to; just get out there, have fun, and learn things. Be who you want to be. There are no limits.
I would tell them to choose a collge where they feel the most comfortable after visiting the campus. I would then tell the students that they should enjoy their first year of college, it is definately the most fun because they will have the most time on your hands. Next I would tell them that they shouldn't stress out if they have a lot to do (just make a list and then concentrate on one item at a time). At the same time, they should enjoy every minute of freetime they get; it will dissipate before they know it. I would tell them that pretty soon their highschool friends will fade away. They will soon hear less and less from most of them. I would share with them what I have learned, "It's not the quantity of friends you have, it's the quality!" So I would encourage them to get to know a lot of people, but stick close to those that stick close to them - they will be your friends for life! Last, but not least, I would tell them not to get discouraged...most teachers will curve the grade somewhere!
I would say that it is important for everyone to sit down and sereously discuss the pros and cons of every college they are considering. Don't just go off what the college rep tells about the college, actually do your research. Be well informed. Once you do all that I think it is important for a family to pray together over the college choices. After all, if you are serious about finding the right college, talking to God can only help you in your search for the right one.
When choosing a college, make sure that you will be able to get what you need with the least amount of hassle. Faculty and staff should be helpful and friendly, going out of their way to do what they can for you. It won't be worth your time or money if they aren't willing to really help you.
Do as many college visits as necessary to find the right one.
Dont limit yourself. Research all the possible places and go from there. Get invovled and try new things. Try things you wouldnt be able to try once you have a job or things that werent offered back home.