In general, finding the right college is like a lot of things in life. You can find what you're looking for, and you will. For example, if I went to any college looking for parties, I could find them. If I looked at any college for friends, I'd find them. One must decide what they want out of a college before they begin. Attitude is almost everything.
When you start college, assume to spend all of your time studying, then when you have extra time it's especially exciting. Set boundaries for yourself and seek balance.
Do your best in all you so you can be proud for all your hard work.
The advice I would give a parent or a student about finding the right college is to first pray about it. Leave it in Gods and do research on the different options you have. Set up visit times to check out the different campuses and the opportunities they have for you. Narrow it down. Don't limit yourself to one college do the paperwork for your several options. God will close the door for some and open it for others. Ultimately God will put you where he wants you and you need to be, and will work it all out. To make the best of your college experience make lots of friends, be open minded give your classes the most you have, work hard, and never ever let go of God's hand. Know that whatever happens he'll be by your side, waiting for you.
Really look for what you want. Don't go to a univeristy just based on one thing. There are many factors that influence how you will perform, so take them all into consideration. Also, the size of a university makes a big difference in the type of social life you plan on having so take that into consideration also.
Put friends, money, and practicality aside and chase your dream. Don't let your logic stand in the way of finding something you truly want to do for the rest of your life. The money you spend in college is an investment towards happiness, not contentment. A practical degree will not bring you happiness, but doing what you love will. The time and funds put toward your degree will forever haunt you if you do not choose to spend them on something you love. Do not be afaid to chase your dreams.
It all comes down to where you enjoy yourself while you learn new things. And that means that there are almost certainly multiple good options, So don't sweat the decision - if you hate it, you can transfer, if you find a better oppurtunity later, you can take it.
For those people looking for the right college I would tell them to see what majors they offer and see if you would have to transfer schools to complete your major. It is hard to start at one school and move on to another one after you have a life started at another one. Also look at the activities that they offer on campus. Do any of them suit you? Also do not be afraid to make friends. Friends are what makes the college experience so much more fun!
Find a college that will respect your beliefs and that would support you in whatever ways necessary. Student-teacher interaction is very hard to come by when you go to big colleges that accepts thousands and thousands of students. Also college experience should be a fun experience but there is limits to what fun is. Drinking, sex, and drugs should not be part of your college experience. Most of all just enjoy being in college and making friends that will help you become a better person.