Southwestern Assemblies of God University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I knew quite a bit about this school before I began attending. The things I did not realize were what to expect from the classes and college life. I wish I would have read more to prepare myself for all the reading that must be done for my classes, and I wish I would have gotten a job in high school. I have applied at so many places in Texas but have not been even asked for an interview. If I would have gotten more professional experience rather than just mowing lawns then maybe I would be more considered.


Nothing, I found everything I needed here.


I wish I knew that the school cost so much per credit hour!!!!


I wish I would have known how much I would have to pay out of pocket per semester for how many credits I'm taking.


How much I was going to have to pay to attend.


I wish I had know more people but after being on campus for only a few hours I made several new friends.


I was fully informed.


I wish I had knew more of the professors so I would've known who to have chosen for classes my first two semesters of being here.


That i would have to live on campus till i'm 23...


How amazing it is here. I would not have waited so long to transfer here!