Southwestern College-Chula Vista Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Southwestern College-Chula Vista?


The kind of person who shouldn't attend Southwestern is one who is not comitted to learning and recieving anhigher education. A person with no motive to achieve a goal or incease heir education.


A person who is not serious about college, because even though it is a community college, the staff does its best to prepare students for transfer to a 4 year University.


It could be difficult for students that depend on help from their classmates, or like to work in groups (like study groups). If you are this type of student I recommend going straigh to university from high school. However, at Southwestern College, the staff is very accessible and helpful. If you are someone that can get by independently and find yourself asking the teacher a lot of questions outside of class., I highly recommend Southwestern College.


A person should not attend college if they were not serious in high school. If a person is not absolutly certain about going to college should not go. A person should not go if they have a "I NEED to go" instead of a "I WANT to go" kind of attiude.


I don't Believe there is a certain type of person who shouldn't attend Southwestern College because it seems that almost anybody would fit in. This result comes from the beeing really diverse an open to all students.


Many students that start out here do not always put their education above all else and cannot commit to school. These kinds of students will probably only be wasting their money if they dont plan on transferring or graduating.


People that shouldn't attend this school are those people that don't have a goal in life and don't know what to do anything for their future. Older people go back to school because they know they made mistakes in the past and they learn from those mistakes. They go back to school wanting a better future, and if they have kids they do it for them. Some teens that go to college right after high school go and don't take it serious. Others just go to say that they do go to school.


People who have money to afford going somewhere else