Spalding University Top Questions

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Our 6 week sessions allow you to take full time classes without being overwhealmed with more than two classes a session. Also, small class sizes make it easy to be involved in class discussions and to get one on one help from the professors.


The flexibility of the classes and courses offered is the best among the other colleges around the area. They seem to be more innovative in offering programs in non-traditional ways.


Spalding is a very diverse school that is open to every ethnic background, gender, disability, and other situations students deal with on a regula basis. They have alot of out of school activities and programs that can help with a students learning or hobby. Spalding also cares about their students learning in their studies in order to help them figure out what they want to do for a career and help them succeed in them as part of being successful individuals. The school also cares about what happens outside of school in the students personal lives.


The session system is very unique. Every 6 weeks of the school year counts as a session. For each session, you have 2 or 3 classes lasting those six weeks (though some classes can last more,) and a week break in between each session. The spaced out classes gives you time to focus exclusively on one or two classes in high concentrations. It also feels like a lot less time is spent on general ed and more towards your major.


Very caring instructors


My school is unique from other schools that I considered since Spalding has 6 week classes. This allows me to only take 2-3 classes per 6 weeks and still obtain at least 3 credit hours for each class. I only have to study for finals for 2-3 classes at a time. My class sizes are small and my professors are very easy to talk to and work with. Having to only take a couple classes at a time helps me keep my grades and GPA up and I feel comfortable with the degree I will obtain.


When you attend Spalding, you automatically feel apart of something. Each time you enroll in a class, it doesn't matter how long you've attended the school, you will always have a friend or someone you know in your class with you. Since Spalding is super small, getting to know people on a deeper level is very easy.


Classes were small. Student to teacher ratio was excellent. Teachers wored on a caring and interested basis.


Spalding University is a great school for older students who work full time jobs and want to futher their education. Spalding offers adult accelerated courses that are in six weeks sessions, and have small classes so the professors can have a better relationship with the students as compared to the larger universities. Spalding is a career oriented school and helps to students to acheive their degree in their desired field of study.