I would tell myself to study hard and take time to think about what career you want to pursue after graduation. So many high school students blow off their four years of high school without realizing that high school is meant to prepare yourself for college and the future. Take advantage of your available resources in school and create a good relationship with your teachers and counselors because they know a lot about college and are more than willing to help and give advice.
The advice I would give myself, if I went back in time would be to not settle and instead explore. Early on in high school I thought I had chosen my profession and although it was something I loved and was ambitious about it, I was closed minded about other career options. If time travel were possible, I would approach myself, while creating my art and say, “Cory, I know this is what you love to do. You can go off into another world painting and drawing and come out with original work that you are proud of, but don’t you want more for yourself? You wanna show your art to the world, but you also love helping people. Explore different ways of achieving this and don’t settle for being another starving artist. Differentiate yourself from the others and use your artistic talent, to not just pay the bills. I’m not saying don’t be a full-time artist, just be open to other avenues of your passion.” This is what I would tell myself, not with my voice as parent might do, but painted on canvas, so as best to reach my high school self.
"Everything happens for a reason." As much as we refer to this phrase, we all figure it is some sort of cliche to provide an excuse for why things happen. After reaching my senior year in college, I realize that everything that happened to me in high school was the fuel that I needed to push me into my destiny. So, if I could go back and talk to myself in high school, I would simply say, "trust God in all things. Allow yourself to make as many mistakes as possible, and THIS time, don't feel sorry for yourself afterwards." As far as advice, all I would tell myself is "refuse to take no as an answer, and everything you want MUST be worked for."
While high school wasn't exactly the best time ever. College is a new beginning. Get inviled in activities, but don't overwhelm yourself. Go to the tutoring center as much as possible because math and science classes are much harder now, and slacking is not an option this time. Be talkative and friendly but don't be obnoxious. Major in what you want, not what others tell you to do. Get involved in Cru Harper, you will remember what it means to be a Christian again ,and the people are really nice. Please don't procrastinate and don't cut class. Missing 1 day of class in college is like being gone for 2 weeks. Harper is Awesome! Enjoy it and take advantage of the opprotunities here!
You definately do not want to go to a large school. You want to go somewhere where the teachers will call you by name. When you have a question you will be able to ask it right then and not wait till office hours to ask about something that was discussed in lecture. In college it will be very important that you get to know your proffesor and aren't scared to ask questions about something you are having trouble with. Make sure you go somewhere where their isn't a teachers assistant who you will be talking with when you need help make sure you will have a personal relationship with your proffesor and that they will be there for you to guide you through this crazy journey.
i am a people person and like to learn. i enjoy being around others although at times i may not understand some assignments or the text i can get the help i need by simply talking with the professor or going to the library and doing the research or gietting together in a study group.
Actually learn! I know it is hard to actually sit down and study and hammer the information into your brain, but it will benefit you so much in college! Memorizing the information will get you through the test or quiz, but will not help you in the long run. If you take the time to learn it now, maybe you won't have to put so much effort into it later. So the wisest advice I could give you is do the work now and don't wait. Practice on doing your work the day before it's do and don't procrastinate, because if you do in college, you will deffinetly struggle.
If I could go back in time and give advice to myself while a high school senior, I would tell her to just focus and not give up. During my senior year in high school I was thrown into so many obstacles, and instead of just holding on, I just wanted to give up and be someone else. I would go back and tell her that the grades that she made freshman and sophomore year would not define her once she got out of high school. I would tell her that the problems going on within herself and others around her were only temporary, and that one day she would be rid of the issues and be stronger than ever before. I would tell her that even though she didn’t receive many scholarships or help (senior year), she would eventually be a part of a college that invested in her and her education, so she didn’t have to have a big load on her shoulders. I would tell her to not stress about senior year, but to focus on her future in college, because she will eventually be very close to where she always wanted to be.
I wish that I would have listen to my high school advisors about going to college, because college life gives a person the life freedom that is need to succeed.
College life is going to be very different from anything that you have ever experienced. You are going to find yourself around people from all over the world, with different backgrounds and philosphies on life. Please, always remember why you are there. It will appear to be a lot like a social club, but it is not. You may sometimes feel like you are alone, with no one to turn to; but you are not. This is your opportunity to grow as a human being, to develop your own personality, apart from family and familiar faces. Choose wisely. You can be reckless with your new found freedom, and pay for it the rest of your life, or you can make mature, responsible choices and get the quality education now that will lay the foundation for a limitless and rewarding future. The choice is yours. I believe in you. I know that you have the qualities of a leader, not a follower. Use those qualities to determine your destiny. Let it be a destiny that will empower those who will follow in your footsteps. Prove to yourself, and to t he world that you can, and you will be a success.