Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology-Tulsa Top Questions

What should every freshman at Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology-Tulsa know before they start?


I would recommend to myself to be more actively involved in the community and academic clubs. Networking and being a part of a group or team has a great deal of education in itself. I can't say that I could have studied any harder in school because I was diligent about my studies. Due to my financial situation in highschool, I had to work, which took away from some of my studies. I wish I didn't have to work so hard while in school. Other than that, I feel pretty good about my time in highschool and preparing myself for college.


Do not compromise what you want to become. Work extra hard if you?re sure that the career you have chosen will make you happy and satisfy. Keep focus, college is a great place to learn and meet people, but one misstep might lead to another misstep resulting into frustration, the result of frustration is doubt. As doubt creeps in your confidence starts to erode. Work hard, work harder, and work the hardest for the results you want. Don?t never ever give up.


The advice I would give myself as a high school senior would be. Paul right now I know your not even thinking about your future education. And even though you think you know everything, take some advice from yourself and know that you don't. You can not breeze through college like high school. The most important thing you need to do is remember that college is real life, and you only get out of it what you put into it. You can't be late to class, and things are a lot easier for you when you get good grades. The more you apply yourself now in your classes will help prepare you for what lies ahead in college. So listen to Mr. Davidson when he tells you that you really do have to take math classes in college. Since math is your worst subject, when you get to college you are really going to have to work extra hard to excell. So take advice from yourself and be prepared to dedicate yourself to success. College is a lot different from high school, and remember this is the rest of your life you are preparing for.


Try to find a school that will offer the thing you may want to do all of your life, but also make sure they offer something else to just in case.


Be able to talk to other students and find out exactly what life is like !


do research