Spelman College Top Questions

Describe the students at Spelman College.


My classmates are hard working, beautiful, intellegent and inspirational women, who help make me a better person.


Smart, focused, and enthusiactic about their future.


Spelmanites are competitive, driven, goal-oriented, and creative!


My classmates are very helpful ad friendly; Whenever you need help you can always find someone to help you and It is really easy to make friends because most of us have the same goals in mind.

M. Hannah

Spelman College is an HBCU. It is also an all girls school. My classmates are all very smart and competetive. Everynody at this school is very active and working towards success. The women I go to school with work very hard but also like to to have fun. There are many student run events on campus to help students remember that school is also fun. Most of my classmates are very nice, however there are always those that have not learned how important it is to treat others the way you want to be treated.

La Nyrah

My classmates are dedicated young women of color that are willing to work hard to take advantage of the opportunities provided in order to achieve their goals and aspirations in life.


My classmates are very diverse. There is no one field, science, english etc, that attracts a bulk of the students. Each academic area has a good number of students. Also, students vary in their sexual preferences, and social outlet preferences. Although Spelman is an HBCU, it is truely a melting pot.


The women of Spelman College are opinionated, culturally competent, and strive to be the best in their field.


My classmates are women with diverse leadership styles.


My classmates are very open-minded and provide well-rounded ideas in class discussion.