Spelman is best know for having a great graduation rate and for being one of the top predominatley black all female schools.
Spelman College is best known for the number one Historically Black College in the United States. We are a school of excellence and only promote the best academically and socially.
My school is known for promoting the education for women of african american women. Its best known major is biology.
My school is best known for producing powerful, successful, and intelligent African-American women. Spelman College was founded in 1881 as a historically black instution for African-American women. It's original purpose was to provide African-American women with a great education and a platform to grow into young, professional women in a Caucasian dominated society. 133 years later my institution has continued to uphold it's original purpose and established a reputation world-wide. African-American women such as, Michelle Obama and Oprah WInfrey, have visited and spoken at our school to provide inspiration and to be inspired.
Spelman College is known for being the #1 HBCU educating women that are ready to change the world through service and their careers. Spelman teaches each woman that their skin is beautiful and their thoughts are worth being said aloud while fostering sisterhood.
My school is known for many things, but most importantly they are known for being a factory of greatness. Spelman College is known for producing women that are typically second-to-none. If they are not a doctor or a lawyer, they are a successful professional in some field.
Spelman is best known for creating a legacy of excellence for black women.
Spelman College is best known for their prestige and their sisterhood. We as an instituion are always ranked within the top ten of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Spelman College is one of the best liberal arts schools in the country and graduates some of the brightest African American women. Spelman is also very big on keeping their well known tradition alive to continue the level of prestige in the country.
Jordyn Nicole
My school is best known for it's promise to build strong free-thinking African American women. Ultimately, Spelman is known and continues to be remembered by its enormous network. By this, I am referring to the amazing alumnae and it's reputation. Spelman College, the name holds weight across the globe. The illustrious institution can be given credit for the successes of many African American Women since it's founding in 1881. Spelman women were at the forefront during the Civil Rights Movement, along with Morehouse College and Atlanta University, now Clark Atlanta. Spelman breeds the best.
Free thinking women who will change the world for the better.