The academics at Spelman are very challenging and prepare us very well for life after undergraduate. The class sizes are not too big so if you participate, the professor will have no problem knowing your name. I am a Biology major, which is said to be one of the toughest majors at Spelman. My professors and advisors are excellent with helping get through any class and complete applications for interships, scholarships, ect..
I will start off with saying that choosing to come to Spelman College has been one of the best decisions of my life. Since Spelman is a historically black college (HBCU) and an all women's college, one of the best qualities about it is constantly being surrounded by powerful, intelligent, black women. The environment is very healthy and motivating. When I tell people that I attend Spelman College, the reactions I receive always remind me that I am at one of the most prestigious HBCUs in the nation. They are always very impressed and excited for my future. Another thing that makes Spelman unique is that is it fairly small so there is a strong sense of a school community and most of all sisterhood! Spelman is not too small in my opinion, it is just right! The administration on campus is exceptional because they set standards for all students to meet and it is expected that we always maintain high standards for ourselves. Spelman College is an illustrious institution that has changed my life for the better thus far and I can not wait to see where it takes me in the future. I strongly encourage anyone who is seriously interested to apply!
I will start off with saying that choosing to come to Spelman College has been one of the best decisions of my life. Since Spelman is a historically black college (HBCU) and an all women's college, one of the best qualities about it is constantly being surrounded by powerful, intelligent, black women. The environment is very healthy and motivating. When I tell people that I attend Spelman College, the reactions I receive always remind me that I am at one of the most prestigious HBCUs in the nation. They are always very impressed and excited for my future. Another thing that makes Spelman unique is that is it fairly small so there is a strong sense of a school community and most of all sisterhood! Spelman is not too small in my opinion, it is just right! The administration on campus is exceptional because they set standards for all students to meet and it is expected that we always maintain high standards for ourselves. Spelman College is an illustrious institution that has changed my life for the better thus far and I can not wait to see where it takes me in the future. I strongly encourage anyone who is seriously interested to apply!
My major is Biology and I have to say that the biology department at Spleman College is excellent. They will take the time to know who you are. In fact on of my professors knows me by the sound of my voice. They are very helpful and will always be there help you through a problem that may or may not have anything to do with the class.
The academics over all are great. The teachers really try to get to know you.
When I mention Spelman College, you get one of two reactions. Either they are ecstatic and are extremely happy for you, or they don't really care to hear successful people talk about going places. I am new at Spelman and I hope that later I can answer this survey with lots more accuracy.
My teachers here, know my name, where I am from and know me personally. My favorite class right now would have to be my Spanish class and Shakespeare. The funny thing is that I used to hate both with a strong passion, but because of my teachers, I am growing fond with each. Class participation is very common and students do have intellectual convos outside of the classroom. Everything here at Spelman is very competitive. We compete against eachother from sports to the classroom.
Spelman is known for academics. Thats basically all we do. Yes, in the top tier of classes, competition for research opts., internships, scholarships, special programs, and grad school, law school, and med school admissions is fierce. Don't come here to play. Now, with that said, its not like we are all super genius students. There are a lot of people who I question...like HOW did they get in and WHY are they still here. However, the top students are among the top minority students in the country.
All of them. I hate school. But I really hate MATH!!! Depends on the students. Class participation is very common in most of my classes. They have many intellectual conversations outside of class. Students are competitive but they would never sabotage another student. Always willing to lend a helping hand. I talk to one of my professors all the time. Spelman Biology department is geared toward getting students into med school.
Although Spelman is a prodominently black institution, there's a vast majority of diveristy within the student body. With that said, some students take Spelmans top notch education for granted and some don't. Which means, some student study day in and day out when other party day in and day out. The students that study day in and day out present the competition to succeed at Spelman.
My least favorite class is math, any forms of it, algebra, calculus, physics, it's just so much to decode, remember and calculate.
Spelman's academic requirements are top notch. Spelman wants the best for their students post-grad and Spelman has an image, legacy, tradition and reputation to uphold so they push their student to excel beyond their potential.
The education at Spelman is geared towards striving for higher grounds, I doubt any Spelmanite has graduated and turned into a house wife. Rather, going on to bigger and better things, be it grad school, traveling the world on a mission, making partner at a firm or running for president. The slogan says it all, "A Choice to Change the World." Can't get to the top by sitting on your bottom!