Spelman College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


What I wish I had known before I came to this school is how difficult it would be to find part time employment. I am a very independent individual, and I do not like asking my parents for money. My parents stress the importance of getting an education, and not to worry about finances, as that is a non issue for me. I enjoy making my own spending money, so it's hard for me to relax and rely on my parents' generosity, although I really appreciate it.


Honestly, I wish I had known that it is not at all as easy as I thought it might be. MUCH more work than I thought i needed to put into it.


I wish I had known that I would have so much debt from student loans.


I wish I had known more about scholarships to help me pay for school. I was not informed by my high school about college scholarships, unless it was for sports or specific major-related. I am now struggling to pay for school and am searching for scholarships as much as I can. I also wished I had learned more about sorority life and how great of a networking opportunity it is.


I wish I had known that the area surrounding the school wasn't very appealing or safe. Also it does not hold many local events that I would be interested in; nor is their a wide or healthy variety of food choices in the neighborhood.


That I could have applied for scholarships when I was in middle school.


I wish I had known about the community service scholars (called the Bonner Scholars). I love to volunteer, and had I known about the scholarship I would have put more time into trying to become a Bonner Scholar than finding ways to pay for school. Bonner scholars have a full-ride with the responsibility of doing a huge amount of community service. My problem was that I had to have done so many hours of community service before applying. Because I didn't know about it, I chose to work three jobs and never have the time.


I wish I had known the amount of resources that the school offered so that I could have taken advantage of them much earlier.


There is not anything that I found out about Spelman College that I felt I should have known before I arrived. I feel I learned everything I needed to know at the appropriate time.


Before coming to Spelman College, I wish I had known the deplorable conditions of the dorm rooms. These buildings are so old that their original wiring cannot support centralized air conditioning. I understand that it is all part of the "Spelman Experience" but I really wish I had known about that before coming to the extremely hot Atlanta GA and having no air in my room.