If I could go back and give myself some advice on college life and the entire transition, the main thing I would tell myself is to be more independent and focus on your studies more. Even thought I did not go off to a four year college I am still working on a BS degree. I have never experienced the actual "college life" but looking at my friends I saw that the transition was hard from leaving their family, moving to another town, and meeting new people. In some ways I do regret that I never moved off and went to college but I am getting just as good as an education at my local community college.
Do better in high school.
If I could go back to my senior year I would defiantly take more classes that would've prepared me for math. I am in the aviation industry now and math is really hard to pick up on. Another thing would've been to have a plan on a way to pay for college before you get there. Planning would have been key and if I would have thought ahead about it I would'nt have the money problems I have now.
High school is a gift, it is free and I wish I would have taken full advantage of that gift. I would say self, do everything, get the best grades possible, join all extra activities available, enjoy your time in school, learn all you can so that when it comes time to choose a college you have many choices rather than limited. Rather than starting low in college, because of those grades you will be able to start a program quickly rather than going to classes that should have been finished in high school. Prepare for college, open a savings for college now, student loans are expensive, and the interest is crazy! Research your dream job, find out which school offers the best programs for that career, and what that school can offer you. You are paying for it, and your grades will open big doors if you take advantage of that free gift while in high school. Good Luck and live life to the fullest.
i would give myself the advice to stick to what i want and make goals that were more attainable , to pace myself and not try not to over work myself with stuff. To take my time and that in that time things will come of it.
It's okay to put yourself first sometimes. Love and compassion are the most important assets a person can have. Children are worth every minute you give to them. Listen to your Grandfather, you will regret pushing him aside when he is gone.
I would make sure to go right after college so I kept my eagerness to learn. I would also know not to slack and give 100 percent.