In spring Arbor Univerisity there is a variety of classmates. You get the students who come to class and sleep, or you get the Students that come to class to learn and succeed in college. In all my classes so far that i have taken here i have expereinced and seen a variety of my classmates. I have even experienced classmates who are very oppinanted and the tell the professor about it, or i have classmates that come to class and are very quiet and just pays attention.
My classmates are a generation brought up in a extremely fast pace world. We are always busy with school, work, all the while striving to do good for the community. My classmates and I have numerous flaws that we need to work on. For example, bullying has become a major issue for my classmates. We hear about kids our age getting bullied all the time and we need to band together to help stop this chain of events. It will be for the better of our generation if we can somehow correct this problem. We can enourmously improve ourselves.
They are outgoing, friendly people who genuinely care about me as well as the community we live in.
Wonderful people who care for for eachother and stand up for eachother.
My classmates are all really friendly and they are willing to help each other either in or out of class when a concept in class is difficult.
My classmates are very involved , friendly, spiritual, and understandable people whose goal is to succeed in their academics as well as help others to reach the same goal.
Spring Arbor is totally the definition of "community"! You cannot help but fit in and be socical; not only is there always some event going on, but in any lounge there is usually someone watching a movie who would love someone else to hang out with. The students at Spring Arbor are not just classmates, they actually care about everyone around them!
Depeding on the class, some students are really engaged in the work and enjoy the professors. I have also had classes were no one ever did anyone work even though professor was at least decent.
The classmates I have the priveledge of interacting with are for the most part, driven people who continually push themselves towards learning new things while still maintaining the ability to socialize and interact with peers.
In one sentence i would explain my classmates as very nice and very respectful, there are not to many bad apples for being a college.