Spring Hill College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Spring Hill College?


I think the most frustrating thing about this school is that there is not a lot of variety. We are a small school and we are a small community so there are times when students feel bored from the everyday activities or they feel that they have to be careful what they do because everyone knows them and everyone will see them. But that is something that people will deal with in any community.


Financial aid, it doesn't come in when you need it.


It is very frustrating when I go to the library to study and get away from noises in the droms, and the library is just as loud as my dorm. I wish the school would make more rooms in the library, noise free rooms. It seems to get louder the later i stay too. If i am in there at 2 in the morning there are people on facebook and laughing, being truly rude. That is the most frustrating thing at Spring Hill.


The amount we pay per year.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the price of books. Books range from 60 to 300 dollars each.


There is not much to do on the weekends, but I always say it is what you make it. Of course, at any school you are going to get tired of doing the same things every weekend. Here, it is normal to just stay in watch a movie with your closest friends and goof off from time to time. The cafeteria food is not the best by far. Students are always complaining because we are under rennovation and the food is much less than excellent.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the amount of core courses that are required in order to graduate. Since the core requirement is so large, I don't have time to take other courses that interest me. I would like to be able to spread my horizons and incorporate different courses into my college education.


The most frustrating thing at this moment is all of the construction going on on campus. It is exciting though that next year we will have a beautiful new campus center.


The lack of really any research, the entire information technology department, and general computer facilities. Also, the low amount of extra activities. We have plenty of service-based clubs, but not much more than that.


The most frustrating thing about this school is pressure put on students about joining sororities and fraternities. The problem is that there aren't enough fraternities or sororities to choose from. Once you join a fraternity or a sorority, you are labeled as a certain kind of person depending on which one that you join.