St Catherine University Top Questions

What should every freshman at St Catherine University know before they start?


Pick a school that fits you, don't try to make yourself fit a college! Your comfort with your school is much more important than being able to say you go to a certain school.


Make sure to check into financial aid and start working on looking for scholarships EARLY! Go to overnights at the schools you are interested in and don't be shy to ask questions. Do research because on tours they will only tell you the good things because the college wants to recruit you. Blogs and the internet are good sources for personal/less biased views of a college that you are planning to attend. Apply to your dream school, you may get in even if you don't think you can.


Make sure that you find a school that it not too far away from home for both the parents and students. Look for a school that when you are on the campus just feels right. Always make sure that they have a major that you want. Live on campus at least your first year if at all possible because it is a lot easier to get involved on campus.


I really think that finding the right college is an essential step to becoming successful. Pick a school where there is alot of opportunites in case you want to know what kinds of opportunities are avaible. Go out and take a look at the school, and also have your parents or other people go with you to enjoy that enviornment. For the experience, make the most out of it. Enjoy. If you have time join clubs and use all the resources that are avaible for you. When you are stuck don't think that you are the only one, trust me there is others that are stuck like you too. Enjoy, and make the best out of your college years.


If you look at the college and it just feels right when you are there, then this is probably the right fit for you.


When choosing a college, an individual needs to know and understand what their personal values and goals are and try to match those with the values and goals of the college. If these values and goals are not somewhat aligned, it will be difficult for the student to fully appreciate and accept all that the college has to offer. In order to make the college experience rewarding for everyone involved, parents and students need to communicate openly and clearly on what each participant's responsibilities and expectations involve. If everyone knows what is expected from the other, this will alleviate a lot of stress and anxiety for everyone. Both parents and students also need to understand, equally, that they don't need to, and shouldn't, be in control of every aspect and situation in the planning process. Parents need to let go and students need to accept that their parents are only looking out for their child's best interests. These types of life changing events need to be embraced and accepted for the potential that they hold for everyone and should not be looked upon as an ending but as a beginning for everyone to grow and flourish.


Be safe and make your main goal getting a higher education. Yes, you can still have fun when learning!


Do your research!! Everything to how much tuition is to how is campus life.


Find a campus where you feel comfortable with not only the faculty and staff but also the surroundings as you will encounter them on a daily basis. It's important to feel safe as you are leaving the only environment you have ever known under you parents roof. In this environment, you are able to succeed and make many life long friendships.


Really look for a college that your student will benefit the most educationally. But also, a place that is fun with lots of oppurtunities.