St Charles Community College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about St Charles Community College?


The availability of the teahers is something to brag about at my school. Every single one of my teachers so far has been constantly encouraging students to visit their office hours and are willing to extend them if needed. They want the students to ask any question that comes to mind and are always excited when they receive emails from students.


The thing I brag about at my school the most is the student activities and events. It seems like there is always something to do on campus. There is always something for everyone no matter what you're interested in. The activities are always fun and it makes everyone feel more relaxed and at home.


When I talk to my friends about m school, I often tell them how much I like beig able to pick my own classes. Being able to leave and come back for classes when it's convenient for me. Also, the class sizes are small and have more one on one with your professor. Not to mention the campus is beatiful and all the bulidings are pretty close in distance, lessining walk time between each class.


When I brag about my school I tell people that it is challenging. That is important to me because it prepares me for when I want to transfer to a University. It prepares me for life and its obstacles. I like that the professors have experience in the fields and stories and life situations they can relate to the book work. That experience is important because I know that they are knowledgable in the subject.