I would give me self the advise of applying for as many scholarships as I could. There are so many expenses in college where you fing yourself in a rut. I wish I would have taken the time out to apply for scholarships and got more experience in different fields where I could have had a passion for something. As of now I am an undecided major taking courses in different fields and bouncing around ideas of what I want to do for the rest of my life.
If I were to go back and tell myself about college life, I would say its much more simplier than high school was, and that I should take more honors classes. Those classes have aided me a lot in my current college experiance. I'm ahead of the game in things like Anatomy, and biology because of the honors courses I took in high school. I would tell my past self to also take more honors math and liturature cousres.
Another thing I would metion to my past self is to start saveing money for college. I actually didn't get to attend my college of choice because my parents decided they no longer wished to help me pay for school. So I would tell my future self to expect this, and prepare for this. I would tell her that life is so much better after high school because now people are paying for their education and not just going through the motions.
The advice I would give myself now would be to listen to my parents and just get it done.
I definitely would have told myself to stay in school. I decided to "slack off" my senior year of high school (like alot of high school seniors). After graduating high school, I didn't go straight to college. Returning to college in my 30's had made it much more difficult to acquire my degree than it would have been right after high school. I really wish I knew then what I know now! Having 3 kids and husband and a job makes going to college full time very difficult. I don't have the time for my family that I wish I had and the financially draining. I hope that my daughter see how hard it is for me, and they realize that going to college is very important and the best time to do this is when they are young, because they will have more time and energy to focus on their studies.
I made pretty good grades in high school, mainly A's and B's. I would have kept my grades the same, but I would have enjoyed high school a little more. I would not have been so worried about boys and would have enjoyed the freedom of not having to use all my money on paying bills.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would encourage myself to start with community college instead of a private university. The time I've spent now at community college has encouraged far more personal growth than being one of several hundred at university. I would encourage myself to look at more options with school, not declare a major immediately so I could spend more time looking in to a variety of subjects, and I would strongly encourage myself to focus on getting my basic pre-requisite courses out of the way.
The biggest thing I would tell myself is that it's okay to not have it all figured out. It's okay to be lost and floundering and in love with a new subject every semester. I would remind myself that the joy of being young is the freedom to explore every opportunity and sometimes that might mean doing things a little unconventionally. I would encourage letting go of the big plans I thought were so important and let my senior year self that it's all going to be fantastic in the end.