St John’s University-New York Top Questions

Describe the dorms.


On the St. John's Staten Island campus there are not classified dorms for students. They are given apartments that are located off campus, and are owned by the university. They are either studios, two, or three bedroom apartments in which the students are placed into. They are fully furnished and neatly kept.


Well, it really depends on your residence hall. My dorm, donovan hall, is not exactly an ideal living situation. i have three roommates and share a bathroom with another room across the hall. this can be difficult at times, and living in such closed quarters can cause some inevitable conflicts. Socially, my dorm is also not what one expects of college. there aren't any parties here, partly because of the strict housing policies that St. John's has such as: no alcohol, no off campus guests after midnight, and no resident guests after three. But also, Donovan hall is where all pharmacy majors are required to live, and the pharmacy program here is very serious and quite difficult so most residents are studying all of the time and don't have time for any of the frivolous pleasures that the rest of campus enjoys. However, Donovan hall is not the only dorm on campus. Hollis and Dasilva halls are located right across the main campus path, and boast a common room which is basically a living room, two bathrooms, and two single bedrooms, and a triple bedroom for each side. These two halls basically have fully furnished apartments for living quarters, with tons of space to study. These two resident halls are also filled with the animal-house style parties one would equate with college. I remember the first week about six ambulances showed up to Hollis carting away students who had a few too many drinks. My experience is limited though. i can only describe the freshman residence halls.