Compared to other schools St. John's University is a Catholic and Vincentian Universsity which upholds their mission to academic freedom, a spirit of inquiry and respect for each individuals worth and dignity, and global service. As I walk the campus I am greeted by students of many different religious beliefs, races, and cultural backgrounds. Here I am challenged to see beyond myself and personal goals, and understand success as making a difference in the community. I am able to incorporate service to the community with my higher education pursuit. This makes St. John's superior when compared to others.
Location. It is only minutes away from Manhattan.
Compared to other schools the diversity makes St. John's University unique. As a first year student you are required to take a course called Discover New York. This course helps you understand the importance of diversity gets you familiar with your environment and encourages you to get involved in campus. In addition, this university tries its best to help you make a smooth transition from high school to college. There is a freshman center with an eager staff to help you in any way possible. Also, there are many places to study abroad with a fantastic financial aid package.
The diversity of the student body population coupled by the myriad of majors within the school attracted me to the program. Furthermore, I was impressed by the spirit of service embodied by the Vincentian tradition of the school.
None of the other schools I considered were in NYC- which was definitely a factor in my decision. Also, the diversity at St. John's is completely unique in that I've never been in a more racially and culturally diverse place. It not only is interesting to meet people of every background, but it prepares you for the real world by teaching how to deal with every different type of person. The school is small enough to get to know a ton of people, but big enough that there's always going to be something new to do.
This school needs more school sprit and it needs like a football team to bring everyone together.
Compare to other schools, this school focus in the well being of each student's academics, from pharmacy students to pre' law students, each student is personally involved on campus.
The school location, proximity to New York city is great for people, there is always things to do and people to meet. All around a great experience that doesn't revolve around going out and drinking every night. There is more to see and do.
It is a catholic college where they teach you family values along with professional and spiritual values. Your instructors really care for you as an individual and also they care for the professional learning. They are aware of your scores and help you out if you need help in any area of study.
I like the college because is convenienced located and the mayority of instructors are helping students to become real professionals.