The most popular actives on campus would have to be Greek life. Although New York State does not allow Greek Houses there still seems to be a predominately active Greek Life. Most students even if they are actively studious are somehow involved in the Greek Life. Due to the fact that St. John's Staten Island is a smaller campus there is not as many activities going on through the year as the other larger campus, this allows students to interact with others year round and be involved with committees. This is perhaps the only dominate sense of activity in St.John's Staten Island. Although there is Theater and other activities, they are predominately less active and smaller. The next biggest group would have to be Honor Society, which holds many active members yet is not entirely social oriented.
Basketball is huge at St. John's, although I probably don't have to tell you that! Normally, the stadium is packed with students and alumni. Although I'm not much of a sports fanatic, I can definitely appreciate the school spirit which pulses during the games.
There are a huge variety of activities, though, so if you're not interested in sports like me, you'll find your own place to fit in. For example, every week I attend a creative writing group where we discuss someone's story for about an hour.
Between movies playing at the theater, play productions, carnivals, baking sales, sports games, and various types of clubs, there's always something to do at St. John's. Sororities and Fraternities aren't as big as they are at certain schools, but there are several on campus and there's a decent social life surrounding them.
Weekends, you can visit the city, hang out with your friends in the dorms, go to the gym, go to a club, or whatever you feel like doing. Since St. John's is so close to the city, it's hard not to find something to do.
The most popular activities at St. John's are "Greek Life", fitness, and community service.There are always guest speakers, community activities, and workshops. The dating scene usually occurs at the local bars or meeting people through activities. For instance, I met my boyfriend through Army ROTC.People generally party throughout the semester with two of the most popular fraternities .
One of the best activities that the school has to offer is sports games. SJU has very competitive athletics programs, and the student turnout at games is incredible. There is absolutely nothing better than storming the field after a clutch win by the football team. Granted, SJU is a DIII school, but I'm pretty positive that the passion and atmosphere at the games rivals many DI schools in all but size.
Another great thing about SJU is how the dorms are used. In my experience, nearly everyone will keep their door open if they're in their room. This is an AWESOME way to get to know people Most of my best friends were met in the dorms, precisely because of this.
There should be more than enough happening on campus, but if the campus life isn't doing enough for you on a given weekend, catch a ride to St. Cloud and hit up a movie or go bowling. St. Cloud is a relatively large city; you should be able to find something that suits your needs for the time.
St. John's social life if decent. There is not much partying on campus, but if you are looking yo party you can. It is more of an academic school. The students though are very friendly and for the most part dorm room doors are left open. I met my closest friends by living in the same dorm building as them.
clubs VERY IMPORTANT TO JOIN IF YOU ARE GOING TO APPLY FOR A MASTERS PROGRAM and greek life is big. i dont dorm so i dont know anything else
They're really big on supporting school sporting events
popular groups on campus are probably fraternities, and the legal society.
jewish student association is a group im involved with, which i discussed in an earlier question.
as far as i know, students do leave their doors open.
athletic events are very popular, while guest speakers are mildly popular and theater events are moderately popular.
the dating scene, im not aware of. i date a girl in another college.
I met my closest friends in class.
Talking to my girlfriend on the phone or studying or playing pool.
Theres a fireworks thing for Christmas...
People party often, especially in the summer.
To many, frats & sororities are very important, but to me - not at all.
Last weekend was spent with my family on saturday, my girlfriend saturday night (international womens day), and a broadway show on sunday travelling in the city (althought I normally work on sunday...)