To be honest, that isn't really something I pay attention to, nor do I think there is one common stereotype. St. John's is located in Queens, NYC and has a variety of different students who attend our campus. The majority of us are commuters, and with the commute coming from Queens (the most diverse county in America) and the rest of the NYC area it's a very diverse group. Saying that there is a stereotype would be inaccurate.
One major stereotype is that all of the Indian and Asian students in my school are Pharmacy majors. Though most of the pharmacy students are of the Indian and Asian race, there are many of them who are other types of majors.
Every region and school has a stereotype that is associated with it. Nevertheless it is important to keep in mind that while everyone appears to be the same their life experiences have led them to be unique. St. John’s is centered in New York City and has alums who are quintessential New Yorkers. This entails fast talking, gruff students. Greek organizations can usually be categorized into the typical groups: Pokémon nerd guys, slut party girls, overtly sweet girls, creepy rapist dudes, stuck up girls etc. While our campuses have an intense Greek Life, there is also a huge non Greek community full of students in other organizations. Also it is important to keep in mind that there are sections of people in Greek life who are not boxed into these titles.
Xuan (Ellen)
The stereotypical St. John’s student is either a very intelligent six-year Pharmacy student or a dumb middle-class minority with their education paid for solely by government aid. While there are students that exemplify these stereotypes, the majority of St. John’s students span a wide array of majors and interests, originate from different states and countries, and all plan on changing their little part of the world from their individual facets. Members of the nationally-ranked Mock Trial Team and Debate Team are trained in rhetoric and the formulation of logical thought to take the political and legal world by storm. Students embracing the diversity afforded by a campus in the middle of the most racially diverse area of the world (Queens, NY) thrive in a wide array of cultural organizations. But most importantly, as supported by the Catholic-Vincentian mission of St. John’s, students go beyond the basic requirements of doing mandatory community service for class, and go on to positively impact the wider community. The extensive honor societies recognize those students that have achieved academic excellence, including the Honors Program, which offers more rigorous courses for those students seeking a challenge, the prestigious President's Society, and Skull and Circle, the Liberal Arts and Sciences Honor Society. There is no simple accurate description of a St. John’s student. But two characteristics that all St. John's students share are these: open-mindedness and versatility.
Xuan (Ellen)
The stereotypical St. John’s student is either a very intelligent six-year Pharmacy student or a dumb middle-class minority with their education paid for solely by government aid. While there are students that exemplify these stereotypes, the majority of St. John’s students span a wide array of majors and interests, originate from different states and countries, and all plan on changing their little part of the world from their individual facets. Members of the nationally-ranked Mock Trial Team and Debate Team are trained in rhetoric and the formulation of logical thought to take the political and legal world by storm. Students embracing the diversity afforded by a campus in the middle of the most racially diverse area of the world (Queens, NY) thrive in a wide array of cultural organizations. But most importantly, as supported by the Catholic-Vincentian mission of St. John’s, students go beyond the basic requirements of doing mandatory community service for class, and go on to positively impact the wider community. The extensive honor societies recognize those students that have achieved academic excellence, including the Honor Society, which offers more rigorous courses for those students seeking a challenge, the prestigious President's Society, and Skull and Circle, the Liberal Arts and Sciences Honor Society. There is no simple accurate description of a St. John’s student. But two characteristics that all St. John's students share are these: open-mindedness and versatility.
Xuan (Ellen)
The stereotypical St. John’s student is either a very intelligent six-year Pharmacy student or a dumb middle-class minority with their education paid for solely by government aid. While there are students that exemplify these stereotypes, the majority of St. John’s students span a wide array of majors and interests, originate from different states and countries, and all plan on changing their little part of the world from their individual facets. Members of the nationally-ranked Mock Trial Team and Debate Team are trained in rhetoric and the formulation of logical thought to take the political and legal world by storm. Students embracing the diversity afforded by a campus in the middle of the most racially diverse area of the world (Queens, NY) thrive in a wide array of cultural organizations. But most importantly, as supported by the Catholic-Vincentian mission of St. John’s, students go beyond the basic requirements of doing mandatory community service for class, and go on to positively impact the wider community. The extensive honor societies recognize those students that have achieved academic excellence, including Phi Eta Sigma, the Freshman Honor Society, the prestigious President's Society, and Skull and Circle, the Liberal Arts and Sciences Honor Society. There is no simple accurate description of a St. John’s student. But two characteristics that all St. John's students share are these: open-mindedness and versatility.
Xuan (Ellen)
The stereotypical St. John’s student is either a very intelligent six-year Pharmacy student or a middle-class minority with their education paid for solely by government aid. While there are students that exemplify these stereotypes, the majority of St. John’s students span a wide array of majors and interests, originate from different states and countries, and all plan on changing their little part of the world from their individual facets. Members of the nationally-ranked Mock Trial Team and Debate Team are trained in rhetoric and the formulation of logical thought to take the political and legal world by storm. Students embracing the diversity afforded by a campus in the middle of the most racially diverse area of the world (Queens, NY) thrive in a wide array of cultural organizations. But most importantly, as supported by the Catholic-Vincentian mission of St. John’s, students go beyond the basic requirements of doing mandatory community service for class, and go on to positively impact the wider community. There is no simple accurate description of a St. John’s student. But two characteristics that all St. John's students share are these: open-mindedness and versatility.
One of the stereotypes I can speak on is fraternity life. As a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., I deal with a lot of different students who believe that fraternities are preppie, stuck-up or negative. At St. John's University fraternities are very active with campus activity and student life. We host programs that engage students and raise social awareness while uplifting our community through service and fellowship. There are strict violations against any form of maltreatment when an aspirant is initiated into a fraternity at St. John's so students who are interested need not worry about any harmful activities upon seeking membership. The fraternities, from my experience, are extremely sociable and we do our best to positively influence young college students as they explore college life and come of age.
One of the stereotypes I can speak on is fraternity life. As a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., I deal with a lot of different students who believe that fraternities are preppie, stuck-up or negative. At St. John's University fraternities are very active with campus activity and student life. We host programs that engage students and raise social awareness while uplifting our community through service and fellowship. There are strict violations against any form of maltreatment when an aspirant is initiated into a fraternity at St. John's so students who are interested need not worry about any harmful activities upon seeking membership. The fraternities, from my experience, are extremely sociable and we do our best to positively influence young college students as they explore college life and come of age.
One sterotype, because of the location, may be that a majority of the students have a very "ghetto" mentality and attitude. While there are more than a few students like that, there is a very diverse student body, and you will probably encounter students from all walks of life.