My school is very diverse and well endowed. The size of my school is adequate, especially the class sizes. I would change the amount of our tuition, it is too high for the things we receive. i get a good reaction when I tell people that I go to St. John's University, specifically because it is in the heart of New York City. Overall, I love my school and the opportunities it has given me.
St. Johns offers you a bright future plus a great present. St. Johns is known throughout the world. The school has a great population that has people from most close to 50 countries and all 50 states. The best thing about this school is its diversity plus its ability to offer you an opportunity to get lots of hands on experience through internships. Throughout my four years I have had three different internship ranging from the New York Mets to Avis Budget Group and New York State Banking Department. When a person hears the name St.Johns University they think of hard working people that strive for greatness and success. I feel that the school is a perfect size because it prepares for the world where there is competition on every corner of the street. The school administration is really good, they have a lot of real world experience as lots of experience in academia. The biggest recent controversy on campus was changing the schedule to better accommodate more students who range from commuters to residents. The one experience I remember is getting my first internship which was with the New York Mets during their grand opening of their new stadium Citi Field. I was able to meet a lot of players plus management. I also gained valuable experience plus it had also helped me figure out what I wanted to do with my life.
One of the things that really stands out to me about Saint John's Staten Island is the apartment dorms. They are very nice and a lot better then living in a small dorm. The classes are personable and small. However the class maybe small the community is good and bad at times. The small campus allows you to establish close friendships, but on the other hand everyone knows your business and there is very little privacy in a social respect. We have Wagner College literally down the road and we have no involvement with Wagner which I wish we had. A lot of people on Staten Island consider this high school part two. However most of the people who say that do not go to school here or commute, but for the people who spend a lot of time here feel like this is their home. We are not really a college town most students spend there time in their apartment or in the cafeteria. I work for the Office of Student Life and I would have to say that Adminstration really tries the best they can to give their students the full college experience. There is a lot of school pride on campus you will see a lot of Saint Johns Sweat represented. In comparison to the Queens Campus we have very limited funding. However we have my students play events and things mange to get done..
St. John's is a small liberal arts college in central Minnesota. What's wrong with this? Well, there could be two things. First, it's in Minnesota. That means it gets cold in the winter. That ALSO means that there are so many things to do in the winter (i.e. sledding, skiing, snowshoeing, building massive snowmen, etc). Secondly, I will admit that the school is pretty small. At roughly 2,000 students (CSB has another 2,000), this school may be smaller than the high school you went to. Some people find this to be irritating.
The most unique thing about St. John's is it's affiliation with St. Ben's. All things considered, there are essentially two full schools that students can take advantage of. Classes on both campuses, food on both campuses, recreation on both campuses. Whatever you need can be found at either campus. It's also nice to be able to get away from those Bennies at some point (sorry ladies, but I'm sure you feel the same about us), so having two uni-gender campuses can be a valuable asset. With that said, I know many Johnnies who spend most of their time over at CSB (and vice versa). You can do whatever fits your needs; no one asks questions.
St. John's is the perfect size, although it is growing at a rapid rate. When, on campus I spend most of the time in the dorms and for the most part they are brand new. When I tell people I go to St. John's they immediately think of the basketball team, but in accounting world I have found that the school is very repsected.
the class sizes are small. even for a core class i have maybe 28 kids in it. parking is a bitch and there seems to always be construction going on. security hands out parking tickets like tomorrow isnt going to come but its really not too bad, just dont park illegally. financial aid, bursar, and registrar are a joke - they really need like people to help out there just to make sure all the information on students can be read correctly, instead of a different interpretation every time someone reads your file. when i tell people i go to st johns they always say what a great school and it is. the teachers are awesome. i have never had a problem that a teacher of any subject (not just my teachers for my major) didnt want to help out. the library (on the internet) is wonderful, everything is on there.
security does have it good point. the guy with the gun took him down in less than 30 mins. we had a bomb scare and it was taken care of before classes started. it is awesome
the campus has outgrown its current student population, and the with school actively looking to increase student numbers, there is just not enough space.
The best thing about St. John's, for me, is it is two blocks away.
One thing I would change is, adding Air Conditioning to all buildings.
To me, the scool is just right.
People seem to be impressed when I tell them I go to st. johns. Some immediately ask me if I'm in the pharmacy program, and I tell them I'm not...
Most of my time on campus is spent in class.
The college town is Jamaica, NY (11435)
The St. John's administration does a great job. They're not perfect but no one is. Bottom line; if there's a problem, they'll take care of it, which is all anybody could ever ask for.
The biggest recent controversy was last semester's incident in which a student named Omesh walked on to campus with a rifle.
School pride is there, but not prevalent. It's not something which is important to me.
St. John's unusual characteristics is its constant construction work being done. All our tuition money flying and skyrocketing upward because of it :(
My St. John's Orientation is one experience I'll always remember :)
The most frequent student complaints are professors who are idiots, the timing of spring break, and lack of air conditioning in certain classroom buildings.