St Lawrence University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at St Lawrence University accurate?


Not necessarily--at all. Many St. Lawrence students do come from New England, New York, and the mid-Atlantic states, but close to every state and several countries are represented on campus. Because financial aid is so generous, students come from all different types of socioeconomic backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities, and orientations.


Not at all! St. Lawrence University is one of the only places I looked at where I felt a true sense of community when looking at colleges. At St. Lawrence, you are an individual with individual and special educational and social needs, not just another student (or "number"). The faculty and staff try very hard to make sure that you are getting what you want out of your education and they do so in many different and creative ways. While the majority of students are white and there are a fair amount of upper-middle to upper class students, that culture doesn't dominate or have an over-whelming feeling on campus. This campus tries very hard to diversify the way people think and welcome everybody who attends or visits! Because this is college campus, of course you can find parties and alcohol use. However, we have plenty of other organizations and such to get involved in just in case you aren't into the whole college party scene.