St Lawrence University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of St Lawrence University?

Is St Lawrence University a good school?

What is St Lawrence University known for?


One of the best things about St. Lawrence is the sense of community that we've established. I love the size of the school (2,300) and the town of Canton. There are a variety of activities both on and off campus! I spend time in the student center while on campus in addition to the athletic center and my dorm room. We have a great sense of pride here at St. Lawrence and I will always remember sporting events like our intense men's soccer games. I think one thing students complain about is how St. Lawrence can tend to form cliques at times.


I love St. Lawrence. There is nothing I would change about it. Being from the midwest, not many people know about SLU and I get a lot of "where is that?" People who go to St. Lawrence love this school and there is no doubt about it.


I absolutely love SLU and am so glad that this is the school that I decided to come to. I love the fact that it's small so that you can develop really strong relationships not only with your class, but with your professors too. Everyone is super friendly and willing to help each other. When I tell people that I go to SLU, they almost always know someone that went here or goes here currently, because we have a really extensive alumni network. Even though the location is in a really rural area, there are students from all over the country and the world. The location of the school might seem like a set back because there really isn't much of a college town, but that never becomes an issue because there are always so many events going on on campus and the problem isn't trying to find something to do, but rather trying to decide which thing to do. Overall, I couldn't be happier with SLU. All of us that go here are proud to be Saints.


I think the best thing about St. Lawrence is the location. Some students get scared while visiting the campus because of it's isolated location in rural Northern, NY. After four years at SLU, I couldn't find one person who didn't fall in love with the area. The region really helps to shape who the student becomes. Because there are so many things to do on campus, and many opportunities off campus (outdoor activities, the Adirondacks, closeness to Ottawa and Montreal), it's hard to get bored. The campus has undergone some major improvements in the past ten years which has lead to an incredible place to go to school--from Senior Townhouses, a new student center, a great science center, and other improvements--St. Lawrence is definitely a "small city." School pride is contagious on campus, thanks to a very strong athletic program including Division I hockey. Many students support their friends in all events. Paired with some rich traditions (a winter festival, hockey games vs. Clarkson--a huge rival, and others) make for an exciting campus life. The community atmosphere on campus is great. It's impossible not to walk anywhere without seeing people you know (staff, faculty, fellow students), but at the same time you always meet new people. I'll never forget one night during my senior year where it snowed several, several feet in the course of an evening. There was a school sponsored "dance club" in the student center from 1am to 5pm. After walking through several feet of snow across campus to go and just check the event out, I was delighted, but not surprised to see what had to be half the student body there dancing like the weather wasn't a factor at all.


St. Lawrence has a wonderful community that strives very hard to meet the wants and needs of the students. Everybody is very down-to-earth and accepting. There are plenty of ways to get involved and meet people as well as find out the types of activities and academic areas of study in which you relate or enjoy being involved in. Additionally, the town of Canton, NY (the town in which St. Lawrence is based) does a very good job of supporting the students of St. Lawrence University. Our Community-Wide Accounts (CWAs) help us to interact and support the local restaurants and cafes. Canton and St. Lawrence are both very safe and wonderful communities to be a part of.