St. Mary’s University Top Questions

Describe the students at St. Mary’s University.


Being a Biology major most of my friends are very dedicated to their studies, preparing for their futures, and helping out their friends.


My classmates are well rounded and eager to learn everyday.


My classmates are very helping, engaged, and intelligent; they participate in discussions and are there if you have a question about the class.


They are very nice, friendly, diverse, intelligent, and most seem to come from upper class families.


Students at St. Mary's University come from all walks of life hence, every student at St. Mary's views life in a different perspective; I gain plenty of knowledge in the classroom, but I also gain just as much knowledge by conversing with my classmates.


My classmates are a diverse group of students who have the same acedemic drive as I do and are determine to achieve an A, as well.


they are friends for life that one day will be coworkers in the future that i would never want to lose