St. Mary’s University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about St. Mary’s University? Why?


Hard to find yourself in the environment unless you belong to some sort of club, faternity or soririty on campus.


This is a very hard question but I think something I really dislike would have to be the way some teachers treat student-athletes. Being a student athlete myself I sometimes felt that some teachers catered to other students more than what they would to us. Im not saying we should get more attention than other students but we shouldn't get left out to dry for doing something like representing the school.


That the library is not open 24 hours and that it not a huge campus


There are too few people, and it often feels a lot like high school socially. Also, for as small as the campus is, things often seem to fall through the cracks when it comes to the business and financial aid department, which is extremely irritating as a student. It is awful having to deal with financial issues as far into the year as midterms.


My school expects most students to remain in south Texas and often does not present many oportunities outisde of the state. They also often forget that many of the students live outside of Texas, and it can be difficult to get things done when I am home and trying to work out my financial aid or classes.


That it so expensive to go there other than that I enjoy going to that school.