St. Mary’s University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend St. Mary’s University?


Any student who is willing to put there 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} effort into there academics because every professor at this campus will make your tutition money worth every penny. Also students who love to give back the community. St. Mary's University is known for giving back to there community.


St. Mary's University is not only for catholic based students but for anyone. What I really love about StMU is the friendly environment. The staff is there for you on both a proffesional and personal level. On the religious side, StMU only informs. We have different variety of religions, many international students as well. StMU makes a well rounded student. Anyone is welcome into our community!


The only reason i would say a person should attend St. Mary's is because they are interested in attending Law school after for easy acceptance, or because they are eligible for scholarships. Someone who knows what they want to do with their life and are committed to that goal will excel at this school as proffessors are easy to get along with and point you in the right direction, someone who is looking for a huuge social life should not attend this institution.


If your the type of person who perfers small classes and a more personal relationship with professors and classmates, St. Mary's would be perfect for you. The people here balance tend to balance their educational lives and social lives pretty well. If you would like to attend school in a city with many things to do around town, San Antonio is perfect for attractions and cultural outings.


The type of person that should attend this school is one seeking one on one communication with their professors an tutors.


Someone ready to get a one to one experience in the classroom.


Someone that likes to interact with people and like the close community feeling.


A student seeking a strong science program and small classroom size.


This school is right for any person.


People who take education seriously and want to learn, to challege themselves, should attend this school. Friendly people who want to be invovled on-campus, as well as in community service, will love this school; campus invovlement and community service are both highly regarded at St. Mary's.