Dear Mighty Maya,Wow! Can you believe that college is just a page turn away? To assuage your worries let me assure you this is the best chapter yet! Promise me that you will do the following when you head off to St. Mary's. Be Bold, stay true to your convictions. Anticipate a myriad of situations that will test your values. Continue being a social butterfly, but do not allow people to take advantage of your kindness. Do not study in your dorm because you will choose to take a nap over studying. The best place to study is the law library; dead silence will give you the focus to be unstoppable! When it comes to College Algebra do not be too proud to go tutoring you will be pleasantly surprised. Find something you are passionate about in each class. Lastly, when creating a goal poster put “ Think Dean’s List,” you will make it a reality. Sincerely, A wiser version of yourselfP.S. Do not let your roommate teach you how to long board. If you do, ask about using the janitor’s elevator to go to class instead of crutching up two flights of stairs
I would say, Yohvani prepare yourself because you are about to make disasterous choices, that is until you listen to me now. When you accept living with an international student make sure to meet her first and her friends and all her clothes. When you attend orientation, make sure to ask what the entrance exam is about and don't think that its a survey. When you are taking the Biology and Chemistry courses remember to make time for both classes and don't try to figure them out at the same time. Make sure to attend tutoring sessions for each and to carry an individual spiral for each. It's best to have a spiral for in class lecture notes and a spiral for when you read alone and take notes for yourself. Make sure to keep your classes balanced by making yourself an agenda for each week, believe me this helped me most in the Spring. When you get invited to Frat parties, make sure you have all your work completed because you are probably not going to get back till 6 or 7 in the morning. Lastly, make sure to have all your notes for Finals week.
Knowing what I know about college life and making the transition from home / high school to college, I would advise myself to practice socializing and learning how to meet new people. It was difficult for me to make new friends my first year of college because I was painfully shy. I would encourage myself to join more organizations that first year of college so that I did not feel so lonely, homesick and out of place with my peers. Looking back now, I realize that I caused myself unnecessary hardship, pain and stress because of that shyness and inability to put myself out there. Had I had the courage to push myself to go outside of my comfort zone and become more involved in the campus community or organizations, I would had a more positive first year; I would not have been so unhappy as to contemplate quiting school and going back home. Thankfully, I was finally able to find the courage to participate in oranziations, meet some fantastic people and form friendships that will last a lifetime. Knowing this, I would not of hesitated in joining those organizations and started forming those friendships much sooner.
As a high school student I had a hard time figuring out what I wanted to become in the future. But after a little while of high school, things became much easier to me. I say that because I first was planning to become a teacher. I chose a teacher because teachers must know all of the answers to every question asked. I said that because once you become a professor, you must always know the answer to a question asked. After a little while, I decided to become a construction worker. I chose that one because over the passed years of life, I've been doing construction work on the outside of homes. the type of work that I did was siding, roofing, paneling, carpeting, etc... My final major that I chose and will stay with is called an Interior Designer. I chose that career because for the pass seven years, I've learned so much in those classes. I also chosh to become an Interior Designer because I'm a great designing student. So that's the reasons why I chose to become an Interior Designer. I think that becoming a great Interior Designer is right for me.
I would tell myself that school isn't a joke like I thought it was at the time. The more work you do now, and the effort you put in could definitely save you later in the end. Instead of goofing off and spending time with friends, buckle down and save your self from having to do more work in the end. It is easier and cheaper now then it will be in college.
Dear Rebecca,
Congratulations for being accepted to Grand Valley State University. DON’T GO! I see that you are shocked and a bit dismayed. Let me explain why you should wait. You are not mature enough for the journey. Here is a list of tasks that you need to accomplish before you attend a university. First you need to grow up. The world does not revolve around you, so get over yourself. Second it wouldn’t hurt to take a full time job in layaway at Wal-Mart while you volunteer part time at church teaching Sunday school or helping the homebound elderly. Next, you need to get your finances in order. Part of what you do over the next year might be to save up some money, study up on how best to invest your savings, and research all of the scholarships that you could earn money from by simply writing out a few breathtaking essays. The last thing that you need to know is that you might want to start at a community college. You can attend half time for four years, save up for the four year university, and not go into debt. Good Luck!
School is in the morning so you need to stop staying up most of the night, otherwise you'll feel like falling asleep through class. You don't learn anything from class if your not awake for it or if your too busy trying to stay awake to pay attention.
The advice I would give myself would be to study, and to advantage of the help the school is willing to give you, and also be smart with your time managment.
I would definitely tell High School Senior (HSS) self about the importance of AP and Dual-Credit classes. I can save time and money each semester if I get a head start on classes in high school that I will need in college. Most of the basic courses do not directly apply to my Psychology major, so I could focus more on my Psychology curriculum if I get a majority of other credits completed in high school.
Hello 17 year-old Helga,
How are you? You are most likely sitting in first period history class wondering what time you are going to skip out of school. You do have that math test 4th period, and you haven't really been doing so hot in that area so you might want to go but what the heck what does it matter it's senior year anyway and it's not like you have put in your full effort anyway since the end of freshman year...why start now? Because you should! STOP BEING SO INTROVERTED, STOP HATING HIGH SCHOOL, OPEN YOUR MIND AND REALIZE THAT IT ISN'T ABOUT THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU IT IS ABOUT YOU!!! Think about the bigger picture what you truly want from life. In a few years you will be on a path that your probably never thought you would end up in, your a senior in high school after this YOU are going to have to determine your path. Why not start now? Why not begin setting stage now? You are reflection of your work, your going to class shows reliability and dedication. So skipping out, no longer an option.