St. Mary’s University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


That the classes are a lot harder in college. Also to study a lot more.


I wish that I had known that when they said it was a small school it was a very small school. Everyone seems to be nice but, words spread like wildfire here.


I wish I had known the process and amount of time it takes to get things done that pertain to financial aid and classes. I knew how small the campus was and the way the dormitories were. The university was very appealing even with financial aid but it was at the beginning of the summer when no students were here. Now if I have a problem it becomes time consuming to get situations handled which causes frustration, that is the only thing I wish I had known before coming to this school.


I wish that I had known the difference in the study requirements for college when compared to high school. Coming from an inner city school whose primary goal and focus was to get students to graduate from high school, I was not did well prepared for the intensity of higher education. I would have taken more AP courses and would have enrolled in as many dual-credit courses as possible. I also would have researched more into university grants and private scholarships.


I wish I had known how boring this school was going to be. I would have tried to make more friends and be more sociable the first few weeks because now with the few people I know I am not aware of extracurricular activities.


The school did a great job of informing me of everything.


I wish I had known better what I wanted to do. People tell you that if you go in as "undecided" that you have plenty of time...well, you really don't. Getting everything in in 4 years is sometimes difficult enough. It makes it harder if you have to change after going for a year or more.


I wish I had known how connected it is with the local community. The campus often rents off sections for local birthday parties and whatnot to the neighbors. It is a very surreal experience to be on campus on a Saturday morning and see a seven year old's birthday party, complete with bounce house, on a college campus.


You get to learn a lot and there are too many things to do here, so I had to prepare myself and know what I wanted to get out of this school.


I wish I have known that so few of my classmates would be willing to speak up in class or ask questions. Discussions always start and end with me, and I would prefer a more varied class participation. I also wish I had had a better gauge of the academic standards.