Stanford University Top Questions

Describe the students at Stanford University.


Overall, very unpretentious. BUT there's always that one person in your introductory freshman class you'll want to strangle after they raise their hand for the fifth time to highlight just how very smart they are. Overall, very busy. Typically, the academics will make up 70 to 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of our busyness. The rest usually involves student group involvement, extracurricular hobbies, and socializing. Overall, very liberal. Those who are aren't liberal tend to keep their views to themselves - in fact, I remember one professor beseeching conservative students to speak up in a lecture class. Either none were there or the few who were felt too outnumbered to speak up. Overall, awesome. It's very easy to find people you like. Assuming you're not a hardcore conservative.


My classmates are unpredictable, talented, bright, inquisitive, confident, diverse, and intellectual.


My classmates are motivated and engaged.




If you are an urbanista at all, Stanford is not for you. Also, if you have much of a social conscience, you are going to get frustrated pretty fast - most of the student body is content to just rest on their laurels. Racially diverse, though you never seen anyone of color because they are pretty busy self-segregating. Stanford is generally left-leaning, but there is a surprisingly large and vocal conservative community on campus. The Athlete culture is pretty large and unwelcoming at Stanford. Most athletes I've encountered aren't exactly Stanford material for the most part, but Stanford does a good job of sneaking themin the back door. Sports culture is HUGE at stanford.


They are people who like comfort, and so try to make Stanford into more of a country club than a university.


My classmates are friendly, lively, and smart people who manage well in school but also have a lot of time to have fun.


They come from diverse backgrounds, both academically and ethnically.


Students are optimistic, fun, and intellectual.


Bright, creative, career-oriented, friendly, socially liberal and relaxed.